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Mile officially announced there will be a another concert in next year in first month..and of course fans are happy…and apo..He was determined to earn money for Mile's concert next year…

After 2 weeks

Mile and jeff are still staying in hotel…in next 2 or 3 days they are going to their homes…before they go..jeff decided to ask mile about that..He has always wanted to talk to Mile about that...but jeff hesitates to ask this..But in the end he decided to ask…

Knock knock

Jeff knocks mile's door..soon he opened and invited jeff inside

Mile: aren't you sleepy yet jeff?

Jeff: oh no phi.. What about you?

Mile: me too I'm not sleepy…so what's up?

Jeff: umm…I uhh…came here to ask you something phi?

Mile: yeah? What is it?

Jeff: about that fan sign meeting day.. you let that boy touch your face…hmm why phi? I mean you never let them touch your face but why him?

Jeff asked mile but mile went didn't say anything and went silent…jeff feel regret for asking this question for a sec

Jeff: i-its ok if you don't want to tell-

Mile: I feel comfortable with him jeff .. Don't know but I want to feel his touch so that's y I let him touch my face

Mile answered jeff stares at his phi without blinking his eyes

Jeff: uhh…. You like him or…… him?

Mile: huh w-what!! It's not like that jeff…I Just want to feel his touch that's all

Mile starts rambling and jeff laughs…mile stops rambling and looks at jeff with confused look

Mile: why are you laughing?

Jeff: hahaha…I'm just kidding phi..calm down na..well I'm happy at least you comfortable with someone of our beloved fans

Mile: Yeah I am jeff…and you know.. My fanboys have a special place in my heart..

Jeff: ahh I know phi I know…but seriously I don't mind if you actually like this boy tho

Mile: ohhh boy…really..stop teasing me and go back to your room now..

Mile laughs and pushed jeff out of his room..jeff laughs along with Mile and went to his room

Mile wasn't asleep that night…he thinks about what jeff said…he questioned himself like do I really like this boy apo?

Skip to after 3 days…

They both went to their home to spend some time with their parents..

One night…


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(Imagine this is an mile and Jeff's concert)

Mile posted in insta.. and went to
take a shower after he done he ate dinner and went back to his room…then all of a sudden he remembered apo again…Since apo is a die hard fan of mile so definitely have insta account…so he went to his followers list and search his name…Luckily mile got apo's account…he opened apo's account and he saw some posts…he liked some of his posts…

Mile: should I text him or not? Is it wrong to text my fan boy? …….well I don't care let's Just give it a try mile

In the end mile decides to text apo

Mile: umm...hi apo

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