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Long time skip to after 8 months

Mile and apo and became more closer than before.. they talk everyday.. whenever mile gets free he text apo.. mile thought it's fun to talk to him and spend time with him.. and apo.. even tho it's already been 8 months since mile starts talking to him apo still feel like it's a dream to him.. whenever he feel like that he pinch himself to know it's real or not… everytime he pinch himself he knows it's real… famous and his famous idol mile phakphum is chatting with him…

But no one knows mile is talking with apo.. not even his music partner jeff nor his manager pond… especially if his manager finds out that he's talking to him he will get serious and do anything to stop him from talking to apo so he keep it hidden from both..

Days has passing and mile and apo are still talking but suddenly mile wants to hear his voice so … he hesitately pressed the call button.. hoping apo lift his call but sadly no…

Apo is in college and his phn is in his bag and didn't realised mile called him.. later during his lunch break apo checked his phn and saw someone called him in Instagram so he opened and soon he realised and gasped heavily..


Apo screamed in shock and everyone around him stared at him.. apo apologies to them and again he looked at his phn with shocking face…

Apo: did p’mile just called me!!!

Then apo texted him because he can't talk to him right now since he's in college

Apo: ah p'mile sorry na I can't talk right now .. sorry na

Mile: ahh hey apo it's alright I forgot that you're in college

Apo: hmm….. why did you called me tho ?

Mile: ahh it's…………..

Mile hesitated to say that he wants to hear apo’s voice

Apo: it's…..?

Mile: well.. I just want to hear your voice so I called you

Apo heart skipped a beat after he saw his message.. a blush appeared on his face

Apo: you want to hear my voice! Ah how about I called you after I reached home?

Mile: sure apo no problem 😊

Then they both talked for a while.. apo's lunch break is over so he says bye to mile and headed back to his classroom

As apo said.. after he went back to his house after he got fresh up he called mile…mile lifted his call and talked.. mile is in cloud nine after heard apo’s soft and gentle voice.. he feels calm pleasent.. they both talked in call for 1 hour.. after that apo ends the call.. he feels so damn happy that he get to talk to his fav idol in the call.. soon apo fall asleep while thinking about how they laughed and shared things in the call.. a bright formed in his face

Skip to 2 months

Mile posted that there is a concert in 2 months.. also informed about the tickets will be available in next month.. of course fans are so Happy excited about his concert.. apo also saw mile’s post in Instagram.. but this time he don't he doesn't know how to get money and attend his concert.. his dream is to see and attend mile’s concert once in life.. and it happened.. he's happy about it but he wants to go again too but he doesn't have enough money to buy the ticket.. apo Just recently joined and working in a coffee cafe to get more money..

One day later mile called apo…

Mile: hey apo.. you're coming to my concert right?

Mile said with exciting voice but apo don't know what to say

Apo: huh.. I uhh…umm….--

Mile: money problem?

Apo mumbling something and trying to say his problem but before that mile catches what apo wants to say.. it surprises apo

Apo: huh.. how did you know phi?

Mile: I can guess po.. but listen u don't have to worry about it… because I will take ticket for you

Apo: wait what!!!! No no no p'mile it's alright na–

Mile: apo.. listen I'm doing this because I want to ok .. I want you to come to my concert and enjoy there.. don't say anything this is my final decision

Apo: phi wai–

Before respond anything Mile hung up the phone call… apo sighed heavily

Apo: p'mile why are you doing this? I'm Just an ordinary fan for you but you're treating me like I'm like an special fan for you………but what should I say to mom? Omgggggggg!!!!

Finally after one month the tickets are finally available and.. All the fans also bought the tickets After 2 weeks, all the tickets were sold out.. as mile said he takes a ticket for apo

Mile: heyy I took a ticket for you.. xxxxxxxxxxxx this is my hotel address po.. come at any time k ☺️

Apo: ah thank you na phi .. 😊

Mile smiled by seeing apo’s and continued working on his concert

On the weekend day apo decides to go to the hotel where mile staying…he took a taxi and after half an hour he reached the hotel.. his mouth was wide opened by seeing the hotel view

 his mouth was wide opened by seeing the hotel view

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Apo: woahhhh amazing!

Then he walk towards the hotel but he was stopped by Watchmen and asking some questions.. if apo said he's here to meet the famous idol mile.. will the watchman believe him? While apo was struggling to say… jeff came.. he also knows that apo is coming.. as soon as he arrives there he saw apo..

Jeff: ohh heyy apoo

Jeff called him apo wondered who's calling him so he see around and realised jeff is the one who called him… then Jeff went to him and tells the watchman that he's the one who invited apo.. then he jeff takes apo to their hotel room

Jeff: sorry about that na they don't allow anyone without telling the valid reason

Apo: o-oh it's alright

Apo said with small smile… soon they arrives the floor and jeff leads the way to their room… jeff opens the door and invite him inside… apo is already feeling nervous.. as soon as he entered inside the room he saw mile sitting there.. mile raised his head and sees apo and gives him a bright eye smile.. apo's heart melts by seeing mile's beautiful smile

Mile: heyy po long time no see huh?

Hello guy's I'm back.. from now on I will update the stories

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