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Mile: umm…hi apo

Mile texted apo in insta and waited for his reply…but due to tired apo fell asleep mile also thought apo was asleep..he turned off the phone and fall asleep..

Next day morning

Apo woke up..and open his phn while yawning..he noticed some notifications from insta…so opened it and saw who liked..he realised it was mile who liked some of his posts and followed him…apo was too stunned to speak…he still can't believe mile will followed back him and likes his posts.. later apo saw mile also texted him…


Apo screamed top of his lungs…namphueng in downstairs dashed to his room worridely


She asked him worridely…apo just stood there and stares at his mother

Nam: apoooooo why did you scream like that?

Apo: o-oh it's umm….lizrard fell down on me ma

Nam: for real po.. I thought something happened to you…don't scream like that next time

Apo: hehe sry ma.. I'm fine now you go

He says and laughs nervously at his mother…nam sighed and left his soon as she left…apo immediately closed the door and hurriedly open the insta and stares at mile's msg

Apo: d-did he really texted me!! this a dream or real

Apo pinched himself and hissed in pain

Apo: omg.. This is real.. P'MILE REALLY TEXTED ME…omg omg omg

Apo jumps in happiness while holding his dear phn

Apo: ok apo calm down.. and text him back

Apo calmed himself and texts mile back

Apo: P'mile is this really you? Or someone texting me from his fake account?

Apo texted him and puts phn aside

Apo: is this really him? If this is really p'mile.. Why would he text me.. and just his fan boy tho
…..ahhhh let's Just get ready for the clg

Apo leaves the phn on his bed and went to take a shower…while he was taking shower he thinking about mile text msg… apo took a quick shower.. he wrapped a towel Around his waist and came out of the bathroom and checked his phn…but no reply from mile

Apo: hmm..he maybe busy

Then he get dressed..and went to downstairs and saw his mother is making breakfast.. he went to her and helped her.. after sometime she done making breakfast and apo ate it..

Since it's almost clg time..he ran back to his room and takes his phn and says bye to his mom and left the house…

Apo was walking down the street while holding his phn in his case mile will text him back..

Mile has an interview so he was getting ready for that so he didn't realise apo already texted him back…after 1h mile finished got ready and drinking juice…then he suddenly remembered Last night he texted apo…so he immediately grabs his mobile and open Instagram and went to text messages…he saw apo texted him..he opened his text and reads them and chuckled..

In text

Mile: haha.. it's not fake apo.. it's really me

Mile texted apo…apo phn buzzed so apo fastly open his phn and saw mile text..he confirmed it's really HIM..

In text

Apo: I'm really so happy and glad that my fav artist is actually texted me…I feel like I'm so lucky p'mile

Mile: 😊…so what are you doing now apo?

Apo: I'm on my way to college phi.. What about you?

Mile: i have an interview apo so I'm preparing for that

Apo: oh really…all the best for the interview p'mile ☺️

Mile: thank you apo

They are talking and talking ..soon apo reached at his clg…at the same time mile has to go to interview so they said goodbye to each other..

Today is apo's Lucky day…he forget to listen to class and thinking about mile texted him….in break he opened his phn and looking at their text msgs again… He feels very happy every time he saw mile text msgs…

Today clg is boring for apo…. But apo hoped mile will text him..again..

Mile finished his interview and reached home..

At night..

Mile finished eat dinner and went to his room..since he was feeling tired he thinks go to bed early today…before he sleep..he thought he should say good night to apo…as he thought he texted apo p

Mile: Good night apo..have a sweet dreams na ☺️

Mile texted him and he was almost send red heart emoji to him…

Soon apo saw his text and texted mile back

Apo: night night p'mile ☺️

Apo softly smiled himself and closed his phn and sighed

Apo: Today is my lucky day…you always makes me happy na p'mile…you're my happy pill

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