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Last chapter-
Soon kook slept so V applied oinment on his butt and made his clothes proper
He then made him lay on couch and then started doing his own work

Today's chapter:-

*It's 15 minutes till kook slept. V was working when he heared a knock and door opened reaching Tae*

"Come inside bear" V said and Tae came forward

"Can I take kookie hyungiee" Tae asked

"Yeah sure but his back must be hurting" V said

"You punished him" Tae asked

"Yeah he-" V was about to tell the reason but Tae cut him off

"Hyungieee i know you won't punish him without any solid reason so it is ok" Tae said smiling and V smiled back

"Kookoo~" Tae called kneeling in front of couch. But our Kookie didn't woke

"Kookie wake up" Tae said this time shaking kook. He slowly opened his eyes which were teary and started crying. Tae immediately sat on couch taking kook in his lap who started crying more hard.


"Shh bub stop crying shh shh are you crying" Tae said worriedly

"H-hurt m-mama d-dada b-beat" kook said lowly

"Oh let me see baby I will apply oinment" Tae said and flipped kook. He removed his protection and saw his beet root red butt. Tae picked a oinment and starting applying it. Kook hissed and started crying loudly

"Shh shh just one minute Bubba" Tae said massaging his butt. He then made him lay on couch on his stomach. He didn't pulled his bottoms up as he wanted the oinment to dry first. Tae washed his hands and came back. He saw kook still laying in the position Crying hard

"Bubba stop crying now" Tae said pulling kook on his lap and hugging him

"M-mama" kook mumbled sobbing hard

"Shhh baby mama is here hmm my Bubba stop crying bun" Tae started comforting him. Soon kook calmed down and was now just hugging Tae

"Baby let's go to mall. Shall we?" Tae asked excitedly and kook's eyes lit up

"Yesh yesh but dadda?" Kook asked in cute voice

"Umm let's ask him if he want to go or not" Tae said standing and picking Kook like koala

*Taekook went to meeting room. Both went inside and saw the meeting going on. Kook ran to V and sat on his lap hugging him tightly while the others got confused seeing someone hugging a cold CEO like this*

"Dadda me sowwy" kook mumbled snuggling his face in V's neck

"It's ok baby" V said caressing his head. After that he looked at Tae

"Hyung can you come with us we are going to mall" Tae asked and V thought for sometime

"Hmmm ok the meeting is almost end and I don't have any other work" V answered

"Yayyy thankuuu dadda" Kook squealed pecking his cheek

"Baby go with mama dadda will come in a minute" V said and kook nodded his head cutely

"Mama" kook said making grabby hands towards Tae who chuckled and picked him like koala

"Hyung we are waiting in your cabin"

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