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*Kook came out and saw V and a man in black clothes fighting. V's head was bleeding badly*

"L-leave my hyung you fucker" Kook shouted and jumped on that man from back and started pulling his hair.

"Uhh leave me kid" That man said groaning in pain.

"You bitch who are you huh?" Kook asked in a angry tone.

*That man kicked V's leg who groaned in pain while Kook pulled man's hair more hard and scratching his face too.*

"Ahhhhhhh" That man groaned in pain and tried to separate Kook.

"TAEHYUNGGGGGG" Kook screamed as loud as he could.

"You bitch" That man covered Kook's mouth and finally separated him.

*Kook tried to fight but he just slapped him hard and covered his mouth with a wet hankey. Kook felt dizzy and finally became unconscious.*

"L-leave m-my b-brother I-I w-will g-give y-you w-whatever y-you w-want" V said groaning in pain.

"Oooh so this kid is your weakness. Good good. Come with 90 Million Dollars tomorrow at xxx buliding and take him" That man said and smirked.

*Before V can react or respond, that man jumped from window with Kook in his arms.*

"N-no K-Kook" V screamed and cried.

Meanwhile with Tae-

Tae's pov~
I came downstairs while hyung went to take Kook. I was taking snacks and putting them in plates when I heard Kook calling my name. I thought he is hungry so he want me to come fast. So I didn't replied to his shout and continued putting but this time a little fastly. Soon I was done and I took out banana and strawberry milkshake from fridge and poured it in glasses. After that I placed everything in tray and started walking upstairs. I heard V hyung's scream. I guess this Kook again did something. Soon I reached Kook's room and went inside.
~End of Tae's pov

"H-hyungie" Tae spoke as he quickly placed tray on table and ran to V.

*V didn't replied and just cried. Tae's eyes got teary too but he controlled and picked V and placed him on bed.*

"Hyung where is Koo?" Tae asked in a cracked tone.

"T-Tae t-that .................. " V explained e everything that happened.

"W-what? I-its a-all m-my f-fault. I-i s-should h-have c-came w-when K-Kook s-shouted" Tae said and finally let out some sobs.

"I-its o-ok b-bub w-when AHHHHHHHHHHHH" V was saying but screamed from pain inbetween.

"L-let me treat you first" Tae said wiping his own tears harshly.

*Tae took his medical bag and sat on edge of bed.*

"H-hyung where you got hurt?" Tae asked.

"O-on b-back o-of m-my h-head a-and o-on m-my k-knee" V said while sobbing.

*Tae carefully pulled V's pant down from his knees and saw his knee bleeding badly.*

"Omo hyung" Tae gasped.

*Tae took a wet cloth and cleaned the blood. After that he took a cotton pad and some alcohol liquid. He applied it gently on the wound.*

"A-ahhhh" V hissed from burning sensation.

"Ssh it's ok hyung" Tae said and gently blowed air on the wound.

*After applying it nicely, Tae bandaged the part and placed the stuff on bed*

"Now hyung gently lay on your stomach" Tae said and helped V to do so.

*His eyes widened seeing so much blood. He gulped hardly and took a wet cloth cleaning the area*

"Hyung for now I will bandage but we have to do a x-ray too" Tae said taking a bandage out.

"O-ok" V said and sobbed.

*Tae bandaged and then placed the things on their place. When he came back, he saw V sleeping. Smiling a little, Tae covered him with duvet and sat on couch.*

"M-my koo" Tae mumbled and began sobbing a little.

*Tae was sobbing and cutely complaining to himself when he heard a knock on door. Tae wiped his tears hurriedly and opened the door*

"Good evening master ! ? is here to meet you" A maid informed and bowed.

"I am coming" Tae said in a cold voice.

* Maid bowed and left. Tae also went downstairs*

To be continued.........

Who is this man who attacked V?
What will he do to Kook?
Will Kook be able to save himself alone?
What was your favourite part from the chapter?

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