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"Mister You are not allowed to use this rude behaviour in my university" Kai said getting angry.

"Yeah yeah whatever, now check the footage" Kang's father said rolling his eyes.

*Kai sighed and started the footage. In footage, the conversation was not heard as both Jungkook and Kang was speaking so lowly. Soon the footage ended and Kai turned towards the guardians*

"As you know the conversation is not caught in footage so we can't clarify it ourselves. So for punishment both are suspended for two weeks" Kai said.

*Kang and his father rolled their eyes and went out. Now only V, Kook and Kai was left*

"Baby bunny can you tell hyung what exactly he was saying" Kai asked softly while bending to reach their level as they were sitting and Kai was standing.

"N-nothing" Kook said trying not to look into his eyes.

*Kai sighed and got up. He signalled something to V for which he nodded*

"Let's go home bunny" V said softly but Kook didn't responded.

*V sighed and stood up from chair with Kook in his arms. After biding their goodbye, they went out and drove off*

Time skip to Kim Mansion~

*As soon as KookV entered, Kook ran to his room and locked the door from inside. Innocent V thought that he went to fresh up so he himself went to fresh up too*

With Kook~

*Kook came in his room and quickly locked the door from inside. He then went to attached restroom and fell on his knees. Slowly slowly his eyes became teary and he started sobbing*

"A-am I r-really a-a b-burd-en? K-Kang w-was right I-I s-should d-die" Kook said to himself while crying hard.

*He removed his own shirt and took a blade. With that blade, Kook started cutting his own skin like from chest from arms from waist etc. At last he took a knife and put it on his wrist. But before he can cut--*

"Kook baby open the door are you okay Bubba" V's worried voice was heared.

*Kook quickly hide the knife and wiped his tears*

"Yes hyung I am fine I am in restroom wait a minute please" Kook said hurriedly wearing his shirt while hissing.

"Ok baby take your time" V's voice was heared again.

*Kook washed his face and took a deep breathe before going out and opening the door. As soon as he opened the door, V hugged him*

"You know baby I got so scared when you were not replying" V said with teary eyes.

"S-sorry hyung I was taking a bath" Kook said while trying hard not to hiss.

"Ok baby let's go and have our lunch" V said breaking the hug and wiping his tears.

"No hyung I am not hungry you go and eat" Kook said.

"Why baby? See maid made your favourite Kimchi" V said.

"No hyung please I am really not hungry" Kook said. Finally V gave in.

"Okay baby you take rest okay?" V said. He was worried by Kook's behaviour but thought to solve it in Tae's presence.

"Okay hyung" Kook said in a plain voice and went to his room laying down on bed.

*V went downstairs to have his lunch. While thinking about Kang's words, Kook fell asleep. After having his lunch, V came back and saw Kook sleeping. He pecked his forehead and went to his home office*

Time skip to evening~

Tae's pov~ Aghh finally just few more minutes and I will reach home. I am soo tired. Hehe I brought so many gifts for Koo and V hyung. They will be shoo happy. Yessssss finally I reached. When I went inside I didn't found Kook and V hyung. I went to Kook hyung's room and saw him sleeping. After pecking his forehead I went to freshen up. I hide the gifts in my room. After that I went to V hyung's home office and saw him working ~End of V's pov

"Hyung" Tae said entering the room and closing the door.

"Oh Tae baby come" V said closing his Laptop.

"Hyung why Kook is sleeping at this hour?" Tae asked confused.

"That Tae........ sighed. ." V told everything and sighed.

"Hmm we have to find out. After dinner we will try to ask him softly" Tae said.

*Knock knock*

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