17: A night at the enemy's quarter

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It took the bodyguard about thirty minutes to take a shower and adorn the clothes she found in the wardrobe. Unlike how most girls spend lots of time getting ready, Zira was different. She wasn't into putting extra effort in those kind of stuffs. Be it self care, skin care, dressing up and whatnot. It didn't stop her from always appearing decent though.

She was natural belle. Since from birth.

After rummaging the whole wardrobe, the only clothings that she found suitable for her was a black sweatpants and a white T-shirt that was somewhat too small. That was the best thing she could lay her hands on. The rest of the wardrobe's contain were all colorful and too girly. She'd rather repeat her own clothes than to wear them. Though the weather was slightly cozy, she found an oversized hoodie which she planned on wearing before going down for the godforsaken dinner.

A floor length hijab and a prayer mat was placed on the bed. In no time, she prayed her Magrib and Isha prayers before discarding the hijab, folding it and keeping it aside.

Working in an intelligence agency had tons of benefits, some of which included being able to detect if there was a camera in a room. Zira scanned the whole room to check if there was one, most likely in places where it was possible for one to be placed. Her mind was at ease after her searching turned out useless. She had to be extra careful. She couldn't take risks.

She sent a quick text to Mabel, informing her about staying over at her employer's house. No, she hasn't told Mabel about her full work. The only thing she knows is that Zira works as a chauffeur for a prominent family that pays well.

"I see you're done." Adam braced her his with presence as he sauntered inside the room. If Zira wasn't one that was always on high alert, she would've been staggered.

She shot him her infamous glare before rising up to her feet. "Most people knock before stepping into a lady's room unannounced."

He scrutinised her from head to toe before speaking, "Oh please, a lady my foot."

Zira was exhausted but she still had the energy needed to shoe him away. "Get the hell out."

Instead of giving her a reply, he marched further into the moderately spaced room and opened the blinds giving the inhabitants of the room a beautiful view. She crossed her arms around her chest analysing him without saying a word, although, her glowered eyes did all the talking. When he was through, he turned back to affront her with a grin plastered across his face. "I don't see why—-shit, what's that!?" His face dropped as his eyes went round.

Zira's brows drew together at his sudden change in mood. Before she could speak, Adam pulled her arm that appeared to be injured as if studying it. He looked up at her face about to talk when he noticed another injury on her forehead. "Your arm—-the forehead—it's bleeding again!" He exclaimed not so loudly but he still had a good grip of the arm.

She jerked it away from him as if any form of physical touch wounded more than any injury or bruise. To her, it did. "Let go off of me!" Her eyes narrowed as she took two steps back.

"You're freaking bleeding!"

She mentally laughed, as if that's something new. She noticed it since when she had her bath. It stung even more when she applied bath wash and lotion on it because of the chemicals it contained. "I can take care of myself I don't need your charity!"

It's something she had gotten so used to. The pain though always hurt harder.

He looked at her like she just lost another one of her rotten screws. Could a lady be so tough on both the outside and inside? It was almost as though she was... "You're out of your mind! What part of you're bleeding don't you get!?" Adam snapped at her before walking out the room. She glowered at him till he was nowhere in sight. Heaving out a sigh of relief she didn't know she was holding, she sat down on the bed and scrolled through her unopened emails.

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