34: Reunification

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"Zee, wake up. It's time for fajr." A voice I recognised almost immediately, as my eyes slowly opened. This was the first time I'm waking up to something so ravishing in the morning.

It still feels illusory.

But the set out dark green orbs that gleamed above me confirmed that it was real. It was all real. And I still can't believe it. I doubt I'd ever be a able to recover from this.

Aaru extended his hand down which I interlocked with mine as he pulled me up to my feet. "You're here." I mumbled, stretching the edges of my lips upwards.

He grinned, cupping my cheek, "Yes, I am."

I didn't know when I wrapped my arms around his body protectively, as though I was afraid that if I released him, he would disappear. "You good?" He patted my back and head.

Pulling away, I gave him a small smile then nodded. "Where is Zara?" My heartbeat started moving at an abnormal pace when I didn't spot Zara anywhere.

"Right here." She said, walking out of my room donned in my floor length hijab. I was taller than her so the hijab looked clumsy on her. Zara being Zara, she always rocks everything she puts on. "Come here," I summoned her over to where we stood with my hands before I enveloped her in my embrace, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

A giggle escaped her from her lips, "Someone would swear I'm the older one." She jested, instantly moving backwards before I would smack her.

How I missed this...

"You know, the day I had assumed you guys died, was the day my smile vanished eternally. I no longer laughed nor did I ever derive joy in the company of others. The only company I welcomed was ours, the ones that never left my mind. I was existing rather than living, and it hurt. It hurt so much," my voice cracked, symbolising the new incoming waterworks.

"Well, we're all back together," Zara squeezed my hands, passing me an encouraging look.

Aaru wrapped his arms around both our shoulders, "And we're going to dominate this freaking world!"

"Fuck yeah!"

He shot me a glare, "No swearing."

I rolled my eyes. Swearing has unintentionally become a part of who I am. I couldn't stop even if I wanted to. The people I cross paths with each day, do not make it any fuck—shit. I need to get my thoughts and tongue in check. "I'm twenty four!"

"I'm twenty seven!"

"I'm twenty one!" Zara exclaimed also, as we threw her a casual glare in sync, laughing it all off after.

They had gone back to sleep on the comfortable blanket sheeting and sleeping bags, which was all set in my parlour. I, however, spent almost an hour on my prayer mat praying and thanking Allah for reuniting me with my loved ones. If I knew the power of tahajjud, then I would've never missed a single one throughout the five thousand eight hundred and forty four days I spent without them.

Concluding my morning azkar, I discarded the content of one of my bag pack with I hadn't touched since the day I met Nabila. I brought out the pink journal which had MARYAM boldly written on it.

"You read my diary, Mom. And now I'm gonna read yours. I guess we can call it truce." Heaving out a nervous breath, I flipped open the first page of the journal.

Dear Maryam's Diary,
It's the first day of freshman year and also the first day at my new school. I'm so thrilled and excited!
Okayyy, it was surely worth the hype. I made a tons of new friends, although, I'm sure it's because of my looks and not because of my personality. No worries though, they'll start liking me when they get to know the real me.
Amongst the people who had welcomed me to sit with them at lunch, I think I love the brunette girl—Medina—more than the rest. I can't lie though, I'm way below her league. She's so pretty. Her outfits were probably sewn by one of the best seamstress out there. And there I was, the girl dressed in a thrifted white sweater and jeans, being invited to come sit over at their table. She was so nice to me the entire day and I have a feeling we're going to get along just perfectly!
Oh and, I know it's too soon but hey, a girl can't control her hormones can she? I think I've kinda slightly sorta developed a teeny weeny crush on the guy with dark blue eyes. His name is Mahmud. Mahmud Amir.
To add up to the goodies of the day, Mom and Dad didn't beat me up today. Well not with their whips, they used their bare hands today.

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