Chapter 1: Puprle dimond's lore

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||Name: Purple diamond

Powers: Seeing future and seeing several timelines

Appearance: Long dress.
Idk how to describe it but like a Shakespeare collar.
Light purple hair.
Normally in a bun.
Dark purple eye
Has one eye.

Personality: Nice
A bit nicer than blue diamond.

Lore:During the gem war she didn't help in any way but she have a vision of everything that would happen. She didn't send any troops or even tell the Diamonds about it, only her pearl.
(Here's the rest of the thing)

P.O.V: Purple pearl

The gem war was finally over. Her and her diamond were in her palace, drinking some of diamond's tea. While purple diamond was finishing her tea they both heard white yell. "PURPLE!" She yelled as her footsteps got closer. Purple stood up as fast as she could as her pearl climbed onto her shoulder. The doors of purple diamond's palace flew open as white stomped in.

"PURPLE! I have been informed that you KNEW about pinks shattering." She yelled, walking closer to purple. "No. I didn't know." She said blinking her eye a lot. Purple looked at pearl. Pearl shooked her head. "I don't know how she found out." She thought to her self. "Don't lie purple. I overheard you talking it to you're pearl." She said pointing to purple pearl.  Pearl eyes went wide in shock. "W-what?" She whispered.

"So you can't even begin lying to me." White said pointing her finger on her. "I'm going to figure out a fitting punishment for you. But it be EXTREMELY mad." She said stomping away.

                                     *   *   *
3 days later

White stomped back in purples diamond's palace. "I finally figured out a punishment for you." She said clapping her hands together and smiling. "Follow me to the warp pad please." She said walking away. "My diamond. Should we follow her." Pearl said. She knew that white diamond that when she smiled it wasn't the best thing in the world.

"I've seen most of the timelines. They all end with me getting banished or she just throws me in a dungeon. It'll be fine." Purple said following her. Pearl still stayed on her shoulder until they got on the warp pad, as she jumped down. They suddenly ended up on a island that looked mostly like a island. Wasn't this one of whites planets. "I have such a bad feeling about it." She thought to herself. White pushed purple, causing her to trip over some stones.

"W-white wha-what are you doing?" Purple said, blinking her eye again. Pearl tried to run over but white stoped her by putting her leg in-front of her. "You tell me." White said raising up her hand. "Can't you tell the future?" White said. "Y-yea but I-I didn't see anything about this in any future." She said as some tears were running down her face. "Too bad so sad." White said shrugging. "WHITE! PLEASE DON'T I'LL- I'LL-" she said begging but it was too late. In a sudden flash, Purple diamond got turned into stone.

Purple diamond P.O.V (first person. This will happen sometimes.)

100 years later (idk but Steven hasn't been born yet. That's all the time info I have rn.)

I've been stuck in stone for a while. I'm not sure how long. There's some tears on my face but I can't wipe them off. I want to move but I can't. This is torture. I know what'll happen to me due to me being stuck in stone with only my thoughts. A small human child from earth will convince white to release me. Or white comes by and shatter me. I don't even know why this happened. I mean I don't but I didn't see this is in any timeline. I was in the middle of one when white ... did- did she somehow know about this timeline? Did she know I was in the middle of this timeline? I'm not even sure anymore. I'm still crying, my mouth open while in the middle of screaming. At this point, if I did get shattered....

I would actually prefer that. I'd probably still be in stone but I'd finally be at peace. If that human child were to shatter me, I'd be happy. As much as I know about him he seems very nice. I'm sure if white shattered me she'd be happy about it. If this child were to he'd maybe cry before he did. I know he his some humanity in him. I'd be happy if I could be shattered. Life outside of this stone statue I'm stuck in until I maybe die. Shattering while being in stone would be better than being very much alive in stone as my body is aching more and more.

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