|Konoha High|

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Before we get into it,
This is how Naruto looks like:

not with his ugly ass haircut in Boruto:

The tale of Naruhina...

Hinata's POV-
I was sitting at my desk in the middle row beside the window. As it's summer, It was refreshing to feel soft breezes which didn't thrash my paper around. I was always the first person in class. I can't stand being late and having to walk to your desk like it's some sort of walk of shame. How embarrassing. But today, Naruto Uzumaki was early. A blonde kid with blue eyes. He was an average height for a 16 year old. He was at the middle if you were to rank his height.

Although it was quiet, it felt like I needed to bring up a conversation. If I didn't, then I'd feel like I was going to burst. I open my mouth and closed it. What do I talk about? Why is this so hard. I glance (Or you could call i stare) at the boy who was casually scrolling through his phone unbothered.
"So." I say quietly. He perked up and looked around.
"Oh Hey! Hinato right?" He says loudly. How could he talk so loudly? Is he not insecure about how I feel about him? What if I felt annoyed about him and he noticed? Would he-

"Oh my bad! Its Hinata! I didn't notice you were here, your just really quiet!" He resumes. Getting up over to me. He leans against my desk and looked down sadly.
"Did I offend you! My bad. Anyways, did you revise for your test because-" At that point I zoned out. I'm quiet? I wish I could be loud. Imagine how easy it is to be friends. He was so loud that my face was heating up.

"Naruto!" I say loudly. Startled, He fell off the desk and caught himself in time.
"H-Hinata." He says. "Heh. You got me there." I looked down feeling my face.
I felt a cold hand cupping my face.
"You're burning up, I think you should go home. Your face is really red." He chuckled. He was crouching before me. I looked down. My long hair covered both of us as we both started at eachother for what seems like forever. I got up, took my bag and left. I felt my head hurting.
That was so embarrassing I felt like crawling in a hole and dying at that moment.
I went to the girls bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I look back at an embarrassed, blushing mess. I felt like jumping off a cliff.

As I turned around, I heard sniffling. I turned and saw a locked door.
I backed away from the door and the door suddenly opened, making me jump on the counter in fright. I saw Sakura. My friend, with beautiful pink hair and green eyes. Her eyes however, were puffy and her skin was stained with tears.

"Sakura." I say softly. Jumping down from the counter. I reach for the wipes to wipe any trace of dirt on the counter. Once I finished, I gave her a hug.
"Want to tell me what happened?" I ask. Sakura sniffed again.
"Promise not to laugh, this is going to sound r-really immature." She whispers.
"Promise." I say.

"I went to confess to Sasuke, and he rejected me right. No big deal." She said. She inhales a big breath and says, "That was yesterday. And in the middle of the night lots of people were texting me and I ignored it because I wanted to sleep."
I nodded.
"Turns out it was Sasuke's gang making fun of me, and teasing me." She says. "I just don't know what I did wrong."
i looked at her.

"You liked that Jerk. That's what went wrong." I say. "That sounds wrong, let me rephrase it. Your too good for him, you deserve someone better, someone who won't treat you like trash."

She looked at me and looked at the ground she wiped her eyes and smiled.

"Your right! I'm going to beat the shit out of him, if he fucking talks to me again." She says madly. I sweat dropped. This side of her was rarely shown as she punched the wall, forming a dent on the wall. That wall didn't deserve that, but if she needed to do that to motivate herself.

Then in all means do it.
I think I'm ready to go back in Class.

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