|Sasuke Uchiha|

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Naruto is in shuppiden- Note.

"Ok class," Says Might Guy. He was our cover for Drama lesson. Originally, it was Kakashi Hatake, but since he was late, they had to make Guy do it.
"That's the end of the lesson, oh and by the way, you'll be performing Romeo and Juliet in threes.." He says giving a thumbs up. I look over to Sakura. Obviously it'd be boy-girl. So which boy would I most want to pair up with. Probably my cousin. Neji. and if im lucky, 2 girls, 1 boy.

"I'll assign them." he says brightly making the whole class groan.
"I was about to make it the same gender, but you all ruined it." We all groan louder.
"Neji, Ino and Choji. Temari, Shion and Rock Lee. Sasuke, Sakura and Hinata, Choji, Kankuro and Ten Ten," He paused and resumed the list. Why did I have to be paired with Sasuke. He's an asshole for what he did to Sakura! Poor sakura...

When it was the end of the day, I met up with Sakura. I eyed Sasuke with his gang.
"I.. I don't want to go there." Says sakura. "I know this might sound cowardeous, but I... I just can't." Sakura shuffled away to Ino who gave her a warm hug.

I walked over to sasuke and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and laughed.
"Did pinky send you over here to deliver another confession?" He says. Kiba, Gaara, Kankuro and Kabuto snickered. Naruto however, was fuming.
"Go on tell us we'd love to hear it." He continues, pulling me closer by the waist.

"Why don't you leave her alone." Says Naruto. His face was contorted into fury. I just realize how close Sasuke pulled me and pushed him away.
"It's just.. we have to preform Romeo and Juliet." I reason."We could go to my house at 6:25. I- That's all." I blush in embarrasment that Sasuke's gang smirked at me.

"I'll be Romeo, and you'll be Juliet." He laughs. Naruto's fists clenched.
"No. Sakura's Juliet." I say firmly.
"And how about if I don't want to do it? I want you to be Juliet."
"No." i say loudly. " You will be here at 6:25, and you will be romeo." Sasuke was taken aback and his hands brushed against my waist backing away.

"Will do." He says winking at me and waved goodbye. I did not return it and walked over to Sakura.
"Did he say anything about me." She asks wearily.
"Oh.. Your Juliet and he's romeo. I'll be the narrator."


"Oh sweet, darling thou Hinata future wife of mine!" Rehearses Sasuke. Sakura looked down sadly. I looked away my face heating up.
"Were not getting any work here so Hinata should be Juliet." Says Sakura sadly.

"No!" I snap. "You will be Romeo! And do your work goddamit." my voice rose a bit and Sasuke walks over to me and gives me a hug and whispers in my ear.

I push him and backaway. I heard the door swing shut. Sakura left.
"Ugh!" I say loudly as I threw a vase on the floor. What's wrong with me? I used to be quiet shy and never hurt a fly. and here I am now breaking vases and throwing tantrums.

"Didn't know Hinata Hyuga was like this." He says. "Now that trash can is gone, we can practice." I threw one of the vases at him, which he caught at ease. I threw the rehearsal sheet at his face which hit him but he smirked.

"Why do you hate her so much?" I ask. "And why do you keep pestering me?" He looks at me and smiled.
"Well I'm doing you and I a favor."

I raise one eyebrow and sit down on the sofa.
"How does this benefits me?" I question.
"I'm making a certain boy jealous."

"Your into guys? Wow sasuke, I didn't think you were." I say nodding.
"No!" He says. "Idiot, i'm Just being a matchmaker and making this guy fall for you, since i'm such a great person."

I gave him a questionable look.
"I'm just teasing Sakura here." ِۭhe tells me. "Until she gives up on me, I'll take her."
"Your such an asshole." I yell at him.

"Then how else would I look sexy while asking her out." He argues.
"Just tell her you like her, apologise and treat her to dinner. Admit you were an ass and was too blunt to say so. Girls find different things sexy." I say.

"No they don't. They find chest and abs sexy. As well as ass. Let's face it, if you lack those departments your single for life." He says angrily. "You have chest and ass, so obviously every guy likes you, you even got girls questioning their goddamn sexualities!" I was gaping.

"Don't change the topic you ass!" I say, "How do you think people end up with the most fucked up kinks? Not to be rude or anything, but your just being a fucking sadist!"

Sasuke looks at me.
"I don't like her." He stands up. "I have different morals as a man."
"Okay you do that." I say. "Some man you are." He leaves and I slump to the ground.

I need to apologise to Sakura.

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