Levander Hart!? (,,Ծ‸Ծ,, )

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⊹˚୨☆୧˚⊹: It had been a while, and eventually everything started to mellow again, thought it still didn't change the fact Bash kept his mouth shut and his hands to himself when you were around. It did feel good even if most of the school didn't know you were responsible for Bash's partial halt on bullying. Everything seemed to be going normal...until there was talk of a new face in Norrisville. Apparently he's a rockstar, super  famous. Touring all around Europe and some places in Asia, coming back to Norrisville for whatever reason.

⊹˚୨☆୧˚⊹: You decided to take a walk, maybe get some fresh air after school, you could overhear some girls talking about how 'totally hot' some guy named Levander Hart was. "Who's Levander Hart?" You asked the girls, they were no older than 12 years old but they looked at you as if you cursed their bloodline. "You don't know Levander Hart!? He's like the cutest rockstar ever!" The second girl pulled out her phone and some headphones, placing them on your head and blasting some...really good music! 

⊹˚୨☆୧˚⊹: You almost were a little sad when the girl jerked her headphones off your ears to explain basically Levander's whole life. She talked about how 3-ish months Levander suddenly appeared, apparently some people had reported he was just some nobody and then became one of the most famous rockstar's seemingly overnight! You were pretty interested in this 'Levander Hart' guy. But your thoughts were interrupted by a dark indigo limo pulled up right across the street from you. The girls paused then ran over squealing, you were taken aback by the crowd that had formed in just a minute or two. You managed to push your way to the front and saw Randy and Howard...standing next to some totally handsome dude.

⊹˚୨☆୧˚⊹: And from the crowd of girls hollers and squeals you put two and two together, 'That dude is Levander?' You thought, a blush spreading across your face. Levander had spiked amaranth colored hair, 'electric' cyan eyes, light pink clear shades (which totally complement his eyes!!),   a dark purple collared shirt thats straps were golden, his boots matched his shirt, and black dress pants, he seemed to be trying to talk to Randy and Howard, but you couldn't hear very well.

⊹˚୨☆୧˚⊹: There were still a few girls in front of you so you tried to squeeze through, you didn't notice Levander was walking away, still muttering something about revenge. The girls dispersed quickly, knocking you over, Levander caught you in his arms before you fell to the ground. You looked up sheepishly, meeting his electric gaze, it was cheezy, but you almost didn't want it to end. "O' e'llo there! Seems you took quite a tumble." He joked, setting you back onto your feet, "Haven't seen you round' ere' before! New face?" He asked Randy. "Uh yeah- thats Y/N. They moved here a few weeks ago!" Randy walked over, "Levander meet Y/N, Y/N meet Levander."

⊹˚୨☆୧˚⊹: Levander held out his hand, "Y/N? That's quite a unique name!" You shook his hand, in the corner of your eyes you could see a few jealous looks, "Hehe, yeah, I get that a lot- Levander's a pretty cool name too!". You and Levander paused, staring into each others eyes, Randy scratched the back of his head, "Soo~ 8:30?" Levander snapped back to reality and pulled back, "Yeah! And seriously, don't be late they hate that." He half-heartedly scolded, his British accent dropping. Levander turned his attention back to you, "See you later' beautiful~" he winked, his accent returning. Levander hopped in his limo and sped off, giving Randy and Howard an odd glance, but you thought nothing of it, "So~ you- and Levander...", "It's nothing."

⊹˚୨☆୧˚⊹: The rest of the day you had gotten ready for Levander's concert, a little while after he left from Randy and Howard's house he had somehow gotten in touch with you via text. Your heart skipped a beat as your phone buzzed, you clicked the message, "Y/N was it? You seem like a fine lad' if I do say so myself, how about I invite you backstage?" You wondered why he typed his accent, but chuckled it off as one of his quirks, like Julian's creepy giggle. "Sure, I would totally love to! Should I come early orrrrr??" You asked, "7:00 PM would be perfect love!" He responded, 'Love'?  You almost wanted to pinch yourself, why was such a popular dude flirting with you, and over text aswell!

⊹˚୨☆୧˚⊹: "I can do 7:00 PM dw, but why are you doing this exactly? You don't rlly know me...?" You wondered why now you were asking that question, surely Levander talked to everyone that way! But secretly you hoped it was just for you, just like in the books, and movies...and TV shows, anyways, you and Levander talked some more. Thankfully you found some 'appropriate' attire stuffed away in a box. You mom had bought it for her friends wedding or something? Funniest part was that it only lasted like 3 months, 'young love' you thought to yourself, maybe that could be you and Levander one day...wait what?

⊹˚୨☆୧˚⊹: You kept daydreaming as you walked to Norrisville Highs Ampi-Theater. You had on a nice cyan vest with a white button-up underneath, dark blue dress pants, light blue arm warmers, and black shoes (or something of your choosing). You snapped back to reality as you started to see the lights being tested, you pulled out your phone and glanced at the time, 6:54 PM, you felt lucky you still had about six minutes to spare, and started to head backstage. But you were stopped by 2 large, burly security guards. "Oh, I'm sorry, but uh- Levander invited me back here? Did he not tell you..." you explained, intimidated by the men's large muscles and permanent scowls, "Nice try, but things like this happen all the time, crazies like you try to get backstage, but I won't let that happen!" The 1st security guard scoffed.

⊹˚୨☆୧˚⊹: And much to your dismay they bounded towards you and each roughly grabbing an arm, prepared to throw you out onto the streets, "Oi'! What are you blokes doin' manhandling my date!" The rockstar piped up. The confident smirks on the security guards vanished as they dropped you, "Sorry boss, we thought it was just some crazy-", "Sure' whateva." Levander dismissed, helping you up off the ground. You barely had time to register the fact that Levander called you his...date. "Sorry love~, those barmy security guards just don't know true beauty' when they see one." Levander booped your nose, "Why don't you come on backstage?" He insisted, putting his hand on your back and quickly whisking you away, shooting those brawny security guards a 'glance'.

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