The Letter to the Orphanage

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In a small town just on the coast of the sea, there stood an orphanage. The name was Burning Hearts Home for Orphaned Youth, and it sat upon a small hill overlooking the water. It was a relatively nice place, as far as small towns go, and provided a sufficient home for those who found themselves in need of one. While it wasn't the most well-funded orphanage in Britain, the staff did their best to make sure that all of the kids were taken care of.

Many would describe Madam Eleanor, the head of the orphanage, as one of the sweetest women you'd ever meet, but very stern. She kept the children in line and treated them all fairly, allowing them to be themselves as long as they were following the rules well enough. Madam Eleanor made sure that all of the orphans who found themselves at Burning Hearts had the food, shelter, comfort, and any other necessity taken care of, as well as an education at the local school so they could have a bright future, whatever their past may have been.

The children themselves were well-behaved enough. They could often be seen playing games around town or spending time swimming in the water nearby if the weather was nice. However, there was one child who wasn't quite like the rest. His name was Y/N L/N.

He had a bit of a knack for trouble, spending more time doing punishments for breaking rules than most of the rest of the orphans. He spent a lot of time on his own, preferring to do his own thing instead of hanging around the rest of them as they played. He could often be found on the roof (which the children weren't supposed to do, but nothing Madam Eleanor or any of the rest of the caretakers tried would prevent him from ending up back there within a few days) reading, planning his next stroke of mischief, or simply stargazing late into the night. All of the other kids at the orphanage knew, however, that he would almost always lend a hand to those who needed, provided he wasn't busy with something else, and he got along well enough with most of them.

There was just something peculiar about the boy. It wasn't that he didn't fit in, necessarily, he was as much of a member of the Burning Hearts family as any of the rest of them, he was simply...different. If one were to ask around town, there seemed to be two main theories behind that.

The first was his arrival at the orphanage, which was shrouded in mystery. It started when a woman arrived late one night demanding that she speak with Madam Eleanor as soon as possible. Those who witnessed the woman claimed that she exuded an air of power and control that one would want to avoid trying to go against. Despite this, however, she was clearly anxious about something, as she kept glancing around as though checking for threats and she seemed to frequently fidget with something that was in her pocket. Once Madam Eleanor saw who it was, she greeted her as one would an old friend who hadn't been seen in years. The two had a private meeting in her office that lasted no more than a few minutes. When the two had finished, the woman quickly left without saying another word to anyone. She was never seen again.

A few months later, a terrifying looking man showed up at the doorstep of the orphanage, once more in the dead of night. He was said to have looked like the boogeyman. He allegedly had scars all over his face, walked with some sort of wooden prosthetic, and his eyes seemed to peer into your soul. The most surprising thing about the image of this man, however, was that he had a baby with him, young Y/N who had been less than a year old. The visit went similarly to the previous encounter, where he spoke briefly with Madam Eleanor alone, before leaving without a word, leaving Y/N at the orphanage.

The only person who knew the truth about the two encounters was Madam Eleanor, who refused to explain the details to anyone. "I agreed to a favor for an old friend," she would say, "and the man was just making sure everything went smoothly."

The more common theory, however, was much more apparent were one to spend a prolonged amount of time with the boy. Unexplainable things seemed to happen around young Y/N. As ridiculous as it may sound, some people (especially the younger kids) believed it may have been some sort of magic.

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