A Surprisingly Eventful Train Ride

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It felt like no time at all that it was time for Y/N to leave Burning Hearts Home for Orphaned Youth and make the journey to his new school. A train from King's Cross Station would take him there directly, along with the rest of the student body. Once more, Madam Eleanor would be escorting him and seeing him off at the platform.

As much as Y/N read, he still felt woefully unprepared for what would be awaiting him at the end of the train ride. He also knew that he would miss most of the other kids at the orphanage while he was away for the term. Nevertheless, he was excited.

The night before he left, he made sure to say goodbye to the other orphans and packed his trunk, double checking that he had everything he needed multiple times before he was finally content. With all the excitement and anxiety, it took him much longer to fall asleep than usual.

The following morning was rampant with goodbyes and forced hugs (much to Y/N's dismay). Everything between exiting the orphanage and arriving at King's Cross Station felt like a blur to the young boy. Once they had reached the section between platforms nine and ten, Madam Eleanor led him over to the barrier dividing the two.

"To get onto the platform to Hogwarts is a little tricky," Madam Eleanor explained. "What you need to do is walk straight at the barrier." Clearly noticing his uneasy expression, she continued, "It's enchanted, it'll lead you onto the platform and helps keep the muggles from finding it so there's no unnecessary confusion. Go ahead, I'll be right behind you."

Not feeling any more confident, and quite certain this was just some sort of prank, Y/N nervously wheeled his trolley in line with the barrier. Gathering his courage, he took a deep breath and quickly walked toward the platform. A few steps before he made contact, he shut his eyes and braced himself for what should have been an inevitable crash.

He kept them closed and kept walking much farther than he should've been able to without making contact. Opening his eyes, he was met with a wonderful sight. The signs around the large scarlet train claimed this to be the Hogwarts Express on platform nine and three quarters. He had made it.

Many families exchanging last minute goodbyes as the noises of owls, cats, and frogs could be heard all along the platform. It was an incredible sight. It was quite similar to the regular platforms they had passed on the way here, perhaps, but it was almost as if the very air was filled with magic.

"I'd recommend finding a compartment quickly, they tend to fill up," said Madam Eleanor, appearing by his side. They made their way over to the train, weaving through families trading hugs and parents offering words of advice. Once they were close, Madam Eleanor turned to Y/N.

"As much as I'd like to see you off, I'm afraid I must be getting back to the orphanage. I'm sure you can handle yourself, child," she paused for a moment, "as long as you stay out of trouble," she finished with a disapproving look. "If you must speak with me for any reason, don't hesitate to write me a letter, Hogwarts will have a number of owls you can borrow to send it. I expect to hear all about it once you return for break, and hopefully not from your teachers."

The two stood in silence for a moment before Y/N did something that ordinarily would've surprised them both, he hugged her.

"Thank you for everything," he said.

They broke the hug and smiled at each other before Madam Eleanor checked her wristwatch.

"I really must be going. Have fun, make friends, and don't do anything too dangerous. I'm sure all of us would prefer it if you returned to us in one piece. Goodbye, Y/N, and good luck." 

With one final smile, she turned away and disappeared through the crowded platform. It was only after she had left that Y/N realized there was a flaw in the plan. His trunk was very heavy, and it was going to be a struggle to get it onto the train from the platform. He hauled it over to the train, mulling over how to do it. He struggled for a few minutes, when he was approached by someone.

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