Introductory Classes

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Hogwarts was incredible. From the hundred and forty-two staircases. to the ghosts who would glide in and out of the walls, to all of the secret passageways, there was something new to experience every day. The downside to all of the magic and mystique of the castle was how difficult it was to get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time if you didn't know your way.

The classes weren't what one would expect either. As most things turned out to be, magic was a lot more difficult and complicated than it originally seemed. 

They had Herbology with Professor Sprout, the head of Hufflepuff house, who taught them all about strange plants and fungi and their uses. 

Two of Y/N's least favorite classes were Astronomy and History of Magic. As much as he enjoyed stargazing, it lost some of what made it enjoyable when you added homework and assignments to it. History of Magic sounded like a lot of fun, on paper. It was the only class taught by a ghost, after all, but Professor Binns had been very old, even before his death, and simply droned on as the students desperately tried to pay attention and take notes instead of falling asleep (which most did anyway).

Defense Against the Dark Arts was the biggest let down of a class out of the bunch. Professor Quirrell seemed afraid of his own shadow, which made it difficult to believe and listen to his lessons about how to defend yourself against monstrous beasts or Dark magic.

Transfiguration was interesting enough. Professor McGonagall started the class very sternly, explaining that she had no patience for any nonsense and that anyone caught messing around would be sent away and not come back. She then proceeded to change her desk into a pig and back again.

They were given the task of turning a match into a needle. The only one who had seemingly made a difference by the end of the class was Blaise, who's match had changed color and begun to form a slight point. Y/N struggled to concentrate, his mind instead trying to think of a logical reason as to why one would want to turn their desk into a pig.

Charms was by far Y/N's favorite class. They were only working on the theory to begin, but Professor Flitwick seemed to enjoy his own subject so much and take so much pride in his subject, that his enthusiasm rubbed off on Y/N. 

Friday morning started with Double Potions, with the Gryffindors and the Slytherins. Y/N was excited to get the chance to talk to Harry and Ron again and see if they could still hang out. The two almost seemed as though they had been avoiding Y/N after the Sorting. Y/N suspected it was Ron's influence, but couldn't be sure that it wasn't just an unfortunate coincidence.

Potions class was in the dungeons, kind of like the Slytherin common room, but with more mysterious floating substances in jars that might be used to brew one potion or another.

Professor Snape, much like Professor McGonagall, began the class with a speech about the art of potion making and how difficult the class would be for many. It didn't involve using wands or any other sort of magic in the typical way, but it was admittedly just as useful in a variety of ways.

"Potter!" Snape called, abruptly shifting the tone from the soft, somber speech he had been giving. "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

Y/N watched Hermione's hand shoot into the air as Harry and Ron glanced at each other. It was clear neither of them knew the answer.

"I'm afraid I don't know, sir," said Harry.

"Let's try again. Where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"

Hermione's hand shot once more into the air, but Harry sat with a blank look in his eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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