Chapter One

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Chapter One

August 11, 2023

Joe should have known something was wrong. They didn't even celebrate their fifteenth wedding anniversary together. He and Fahayra argued night after night, sometimes about the most trivial things.

There were screaming matches that led to him sleeping on the couch. They spent time apart, never really spending time as a family unless it was to keep up appearances.

He hates fighting with his wife.

However, he thought they would be able to overcome these issues. But tonight, what he found out, he doesn't know if they would survive. He did not know if he could forgive her.

On their way back to the hotel, Joshua dropped the bomb that Fahayra had an abortion. Joshua had overheard a conversation between Kandi and Fahayra about Fahayra getting an abortion. Joe was confused because he didn't even know she was pregnant. Now, he was being told that his wife had secretly aborted his baby without his acknowledge.

Joe played what happened in his head over and over again. He didn't want to believe his wife would do something like that. They always talked about having a large family and now she had gone through with getting an abortion. Joe was pissed.

He tried calling her but it seemed that her phone was off. She must have turned her phone off after their fight this afternoon. It was an insignificant fight about something they wouldn't remember days from now.

"Uce, I think you should wait until you get to the hotel and talk to her about it," Jon told his cousin.

Joe sighed.

"You're right," Joe said.

The tour bus stops in front of the hotel, Joe says goodnight to his cousins and rushes up to his hotel room. Stepping inside the hotel room, Joe froze.

Joe heard moans and laughs coming from the bedroom. His heart raced as he quietly made his way to the bedroom's door. The bedroom door was cracked, Joe looked through the cracked door and saw his wife lying in bed with a man.

His heart dropped. He couldn't stop himself from what he did next. Joe pushed the door open and immediately leaped into the bed, throwing punches to the man's face.

Fahayra was too shocked to scream as she watched Joe beat the fuck out of the man she has been seeing for the last few months.

"Joe, stop," Fahayra said as she tried to get her husband off of the man.

"Get the fuck off of me," Joe said to Fahayra as he continued to punch the man.

Finally, after a few minutes, the man manages to flee while Fahayra blocks Joe from going after him.

Joe took a deep breath, glaring at his wife. He couldn't believe it. He was surprised she cheated. She was cheating on him. Joe was angry. Tears began to fall as he looked at her.

"I'm going to ask you, Fahayra and you better tell
me the truth. When did this start?" Joe asks Fahayra, glaring at her from across the room.

Joe's nostrils flared with impatience. Fahayra doesn't say anything.

"Fahayra!" Joe exclaimed, trying to control his breath as he paced the room. "How long has this been going on?" He asked her.

"A couple of months," Fahayra answered.

"A couple of months. This is why you had an abortion, right? You didn't know who the father was, huh?" Joe asked her as he glared at her.

"I swear I was ending it tonight," Fahayra replied.

"I work so hard to give you everything you ask me for. Have I not given you everything that you want and need? What was the reason for you to step out of our marriage and cheat on me, Fahayra?" Joe asked Fahayra.

"Not everything is about you, Joe," Fahayra answered.

"You cheating on me is definitely about me. Why did you cheat on me?" Joe asked her, striding across the room in only a couple of steps, towering over Fahayra.

"We haven't been happy in a long time, Joe, so I went out and found it somewhere else," Fahayra answered as she stood her ground in front of him.

Joe squares off his shoulders.

"So, instead of leaving me or talking to me about your unhappiness, you go and cheat on me. You're so fucking dumb, Fahayra. You're a hoe, you ruined a good life with me for a bum," Joe said.

Fahayra points a finger in his face.

"He isn't a bum. I don't mess with bums and you should know that. Life with you isn't all that good, Joe," Fahayra said.

"You never once expressed to me that you were unhappy," Joe scoffed. "If you were so unsatisfied being my wife, you never did anything to end things between us, Fahayra," Joe huffed.

Fahayra doesn't say anything but throws her hands up dramatically.

"Why did you stay with me if you were so displeased?" Joe asked Fahayra.

"Maybe, I should have left. I don't know why I stay, Joe," Fahayra answered as she grabbed her bag ready to get a hotel room for herself. She heads for the door when Joe blocks her path with his body.

"You're not leaving," Joe told her.

"What else could you want to talk about? I cheated. Go and file for divorce and be done with me," Fahayra said as she pursed her mouth in frustration.

Joe kisses his teeth.

"You think I'm just going to give up that easily, Fahayra, you must have forgotten who I am, we're not done until I say so," Joe said.

Fahayra stands there looking at Joe.

"You're crazy," Fahayra said.

Joe smirked.

"I thought you knew that," Joe said.

Fahayra sighs deeply, looking away.

"Take your ass in that room and pressure wash that motherfucker off of you," Joe instructed her.

"Crazy ass Gemini Samoan," Fahayra muttered before dropping her bag and heading into the bedroom.

Joe pulled out his phone and texted his cousins who were in town to go and jump the guy whom Joe caught in the room with Fahayra. He was going to make sure that fool knew to never look at his wife again. Then he ordered room service for a new set of sheets and food.

Fahayra walks out of the bedroom with a towel wrapped around her body.

"Joe," Fahayra said.

Joe looks up to face a glassy-eyed Fahayra.

"I'm sorry," Fahayra said.

"I know," Joe said, sighing deeply.

Joe hated feeling like a failure, and right now he felt like one. He failed to keep her happy. Joe tried to figure out where it could have possibly gone wrong with him and Fahayra.

Where did he go wrong? Where did they go wrong?

Fahayra breaks down in tears.

"We can work through this," Joe tells her.

Fahayra stares at him.

"Joe," Fahayra said.

"Promise you won't see him again," Joe said.

"Joe," Fahayra said.

"Promise me you won't cheat again, Fahayra," Joe said with his fists balled up under his chin.

Fahayra just stared at him.

Taking a deep breath. "We will get through this. We get some help and make this right between us. We will be fine," Joe said.

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