Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Kandi's kitchen had become a hub of frantic activity as she hurriedly packed supplies for Joshua's stay at Joe and Fahayra's house.

With a focused intensity, she meticulously organized a list of his schedule, detailing his travel dates, their children's activities, workout routines, and even his vitamin intake.

Joe sat across from her, blinking rapidly as he struggled to commit every detail to memory, knowing full well that his wife Fahayra would be better equipped to handle such an overwhelming amount of information.

"Kandi, you may have to call Fahayra and tell her all of this," Joe told Kandi.

Fahayra, as Kandi well knew, was renowned for her exceptional organizational skills - a trait that seemed to run in their family.

Kandi sighed, resigning herself to the fact that she would need to reach out to her sister, despite their current rift, to ensure Joshua's needs were properly met during his stay.

"I know but I'm upset with her," Kandi lamented, pausing momentarily to pack some of the protein shakes she had prepared for Joshua.

Joe, ever the voice of reason, gently reminded Kandi that they were sisters and that they needed to put aside their differences and work together for the sake of their family.

"You both are wrong, so you need to talk it out and move on," He urged, his words carrying the weight of experience.

Kandi nodded in agreement, acknowledging that her sister's support was crucial, especially given the challenges she was facing with Joshua.

As Kandi's gaze shifted to Joe, a look of concern crossed her features. "How is he? I hope he isn't drinking too much," She asked, her voice tinged with worry.

Joe's expression darkened as he revealed the truth about Joshua's coping mechanisms. "You know how he is. What he can't express, he drinks it," He answered somberly.

Kandi sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping with the weight of the situation. "I don't know what to do," She admitted, her voice laced with uncertainty.

Joe's response was direct and to the point: "Give him what he's been asking for."

Kandi's eyes widened as she realized the gravity of his words. "He wants a DNA test for all of our kids, Joe, they don't even know what's going on. How am I going to tell my kids that their father doesn't think he is their father because I cheated?" She exclaimed, her voice tinged with desperation.

Joe's expression hardened as he reminded Kandi of the consequences of her actions. "You should have thought of that before you cheated on him, Kandi, that man is broken. You broke his illusion of the kind of relationship he thought y'all had," He said, his words cutting through the tension.

Kandi's face fell as she revealed the truth - her infidelity had been a misguided attempt to retaliate against Joshua, whom she had wrongly suspected of cheating with a former neighbor, Savannah.

Joe's shock was palpable as he listened to Kandi's explanation, shaking his head in disbelief at her impulsive decision.

"So instead of confronting him and finding out the truth, you just went and cheated, Kandi, that was so immature of you," He admonished.

Kandi could only nod in shame and regret, acknowledging the gravity of her mistake. Joe's advice, however, was pragmatic: "Do the DNA tests, and maybe things will change better y'all. I mean they are his kids so you shouldn't be worried about the results, right?"

Kandi nodded in agreement, her lips trembling as she revealed the truth – the children were indeed Joshua's.

Joe, in turn, shared his own experience, having quietly undergone DNA tests for his and Fahayra's children, including the one she was currently expecting.

Kandi listened intently, her expression softening as she told Joe the depth of Fahayra's love for him, despite her misguided actions. "I know what she did was wrong and how slimy Duke is now but Fahayra loves you, she was just lost and thought maybe if she did what our parents did, things would be right for you and her," Kandi said, her voice laced with empathy.

Joe, however, remained resolute in his judgment, his eyes narrowing as he declared, "Well, she was wrong and your parents fucked you guys up."

When Joe returned home. Joe told Joshua that Kandi had placed a letter in one of his bags for him to read. Joshua looked at Fahayra, who had a small smile on her face. Fahayra was right.

"And she agreed to do the DNA tests, but only if you sat down with her and talked about it first, she wants to understand your feelings," Joe told Joshua.

Joshua nodded. "Thanks, uce. I'm gonna read the letter then decide if I should call her or not," Joshua said before grabbing his bags and going upstairs.

Joe sat down next to Fahayra on the couch. "How was he this morning?" Joe asked Fahayra about Joshua.

Fahayra twisted her lips to the side. "He was talkative. He asked a lot of questions about us and Kandi. He seems open to fixing things but he thinks Kandi doesn't," Fahayra answered.

Joe frowned. "Why does he think that?" Joe asked her.

"He said that Kandi wasn't acting like how I was acting. I guess he feels like Kandi isn't showing him that she is remorseful about what she did," Fahayra explained.

Joe nodded. "But she is. She cried and you know Kandi doesn't cry unless she's angry and she wrote him a letter," Joe said.

Fahayra sighed. "Maybe the letter will change his mind," Fahayra said.

Joshua sat upstairs, the letter from Kandi in his hands, his heart racing with a mix of emotions. After weeks of estrangement and bitterness, the prospect of finally reconciling with his wife was both exhilarating and terrifying.

As he unfolded the delicate pages, he could almost feel Kandi's trepidation and vulnerability seeping through the words. She had agreed to take the DNA tests for their children, a critical step in repairing their bond, but only if Joshua was willing to have an open and honest conversation with her first.

Kandi wanted to understand where he was coming from, to hear his side of the story and the pain he had endured all these weeks.

Joshua couldn't help but admire her thoughtfulness and desire for mutual understanding, a stark contrast to the anger and resentment that had previously defined their relationship.

Perhaps this letter was the olive branch he had been silently yearning for all along. As he read Kandi's heartfelt words, expressing her regret, her longing to make amends, and her hope for a future where they could rebuild their connection, Joshua felt the walls around his heart begin to crumble.

Fahayra was right - Kandi's deeply personal letter was a clear signs of her remorse and willingness to make things right.

Now it was up to Joshua to decide if he was ready to take that first step towards forgiveness and reconciliation.

The path ahead would undoubtedly be complex and challenging, but as Joshua sat there, a glimmer of hope began to shine through the darkness, offering the promise of healing and a second chance.

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