Come Over

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"Game day ladies." I looked around my team. The last two days have been weird. Scarlett has not been at school. And Olivia has been extra clingy. "We aren't gonna have any incidents today. We're gonna play against Gretna and absolutely dominate them like we do every year. Warriors on three. 1! 2! 3!"

"Warriors!" Everyone's arms went in the air.

"Alright." I looked at Coach and he gave me a nod, "We're switching it up. Billie on goalie for the first period. If you need to be called out at any time let me or Coach W know."

She nodded once, clearly nervous.

"Kitty, left defense." I read down the list in front of me, "V, right defense. Izzie, right winger. And Allie," I looked at the freshman, "Left winger. You did good last time, do you think you can start?"

"Yes, Captain."

I nodded, "Good." I looked around, "Are we ready?"

They nodded and cheered.

We are ready.

The announcer's voice came through the arena while we ran drills, "Welcome back hockey fans! Tonight we have a wonderful face off with the Tigers coming all the way from Gretna. Playing our home team, our very own Warriors." The people in the stands cheered, "Starting we have our own captain, Natalie Wilson. A senior this year with 3 state championships under her belt."

"Yes, that's right Mike. Natalie has led her team to victory countless times."

"Well Dan, if we had to count; She's played 79 games in her high school career and only lost 6 times."

"6 times, Mike."

"She started off figure skating, Dan."

"That's right Mike. Figure skating genius turned hockey menace."

I'm right here. I can hear them. And I really would rather not have everyone remember my figure skating days when my mother was still alive.

"She's having a freshman start, Dan."

"Allison Winsmark. 0 state championships. 1 high school game."

I skated to Allie and took my mouthguard out, "Don't pay attention. Games about to start."

She nodded, "I got this."

I pat her helmet, "I know you do."

They talked about the other team and it was quite boring. Our team is the best in southern Minnesota. They're not even in the top 3.

The refs blew their whistles and both teams made their way to the middle of the ice.

I leaned down and stared at the Gretna girl.

These games are gonna be fun.

She's already scared shitless.

The whistle blew and we hit each other hard. I hit the puck to Izzie and she hit it up towards the net.

Allie and I both skated there. She got the puck and hesitated before snapping right back into the game and passing to me.

I went around the goal and immediately scored a goal.

The student section jumped and hollered.

That's my fastest goal yet.

I skated to the glass in front of the student section and Sydney, Yoda, and Mobius were standing right in the front jumping up and down cheering for me.

I held my hands up and skated to the bench.

Allie came up next to me, "I wanna be like you."

I smiled a huge smile, "You're on the right track, kid."

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