That Wasn't About A stupid Hit

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We've won every game we've played so far. It feels almost too easy at this point. But my team's dynamic is unmatched. We have been playing with each other for years now. It's just natural.

Today is our last sectionals game. Against some tiny team from Illinois which, they seem nice enough. Maybe we won't have to use physical force with them.

Or maybe they'll just hog call us or something. Round us all up Dwayne Robertson style.

That's obviously a joke but I assume Illinois is rural too. Farms and shit.

I woke up thirty minutes ago. But I hate moving because then I wake up Scarlett when I do. So usually, every morning, I wake up at 6. I lay in bed until 6:45 when her alarm goes off just so she can get all her sleep in.

And then I 'wake up' with her.

I looked down as she slept on my chest. Her blonde hair was draped over her face and her left arm was draped over me. Her left leg was also on me.

I played with the ends of her hair while staring at the window.

The sun was just starting to peak out leaving streaks of pink and orange across her white curtains.

I stared and stared at the sky until it was just bright enough for me to realize her alarm is about to go off.

And there it was.

Ispy at 6:45 every single morning.

She sighed and slammed her hand on the alarm clock.

I held in my giggle and kissed the top of her head, "Good morning."

She buried her head into my chest and sighed. A deep, tired sigh.

I rubbed her back, "You know we have to go to school today?"

She looked up with me with her puppy dog eyes, "I know." She kissed me quickly then sat up, lifting her arms over her head as she stretched. "I just hate how much time I'm spending away from you with all this cheer stuff." She stood up off the bed.

I sighed, "I know and hopefully that'll change soon." I put my arm over my face as she flipped on the bathroom light, "I am so nervous about this game."

She came back into her bedroom and kissed my forehead, "You're gonna win and we both know it." Then she pulled the blanket off of me, "And the first step is getting out of bed."

I sat up slowly and just stared at the blanket in front of me.

"If you get up now, I'll shower with you."

I jumped out of the bed.

She smirked and pecked my cheek, "I don't shower in the mornings, babe." Then she went into the bathroom, "Get dressed."



Scarlett left earlier than me to take Angelina to school since Mr and Mrs. Santoro are still out of town. Chip wants to throw a party but I let him know, I would not be helping. Then he called me lame and I decided to just give him my alcohol guy's number. Then he informed Scarlett and I both that he was going to throw it at Jersey's lake house and we should come.

Then I called Sydney because why the fuck did Jonathan Santoro invite me to his party.

Now I'm waiting outside of Mobius' house because his car is still at Milo's getting his transmission fixed.

Just as I pulled my phone out to text him, the passenger door swung open and Mobius jumped in the car.

"Holy shit." He leaned his head back and put his seatbelt on.

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