Chapter 14

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Honestly I live for Tony and Rhodey's friendship

Abbreviation Note: F/D = Favorite dessert
~~~Pepper's P.O.V.~~~

For someone who's supposed to be a genius, Tony Stark could be incredibly stupid at times. This was one of those times.

"Where's Mr. Tony?" Y/N asked, looking up at me with those scared big E/C eyes.

I sighed. He should have known that she would want him.

"He's on a little... work trip, but he'll be back in time for your birthday party," I replied.

At this response, she looked confused. "We're celebrating my birthday?" she asked, tilting her head in a puzzled way.

"Yep! Do you usually not celebrate your birthday?"

She frowned, looking away for a second and replying, "My father usually always forgot."

If Tony found out about this he would go back and murder that man. To be fair, I think I would too, I thought menacingly.

I smiled at the girl and squatted down to her height, exclaiming, "Well, we remember! Your birthday is very special."

I gently patted her head, which made her produce a sweet smile.

Y/N was more comfortable around me than I thought she would be. I suppose it's because (from what Tony told me) her mother always was so kind to her. So, maybe the reason was because I reminded her of her mother. That thought always made me smile.

"Why's it special?" she asked, smiling at me.

"Well..." I trailed off, pretending to look like I was thinking long and hard. "It's because you're special!"

She frowned at this, which I admit was not at all what I had been expecting.

"But, I'm not."

I stared at her.

"What makes you think that? Did someone say something like that to you?"

Her eyes drifted in a way that made me think I knew her answer. With revengeful thoughts swirling around in my head, I took a deep breath and gently put a hand on her shoulder.

"Listen," I said carefully, green eyes capturing her E/C ones, "That... man who you call your father has been an absolute liar all his life. Anytime he said something along the lines of 'you're not special' it was him lying. You are special and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Got it?"

        She replied very quietly, "Sorry..."

      "It's not you're fault. Okay?"

Y/N nodded, a small smile twitching at her lips.

I smiled back at her. "Now, after we check your bandages, what do you want to do for the rest of the day?"

~~~Tony's P.O.V.~~~

"Okay, well, I know for sure that she wouldn't appreciate a surprise party."

Rhodey turned away from the cards he was looking at and looked at me with a frown. "I thought that would've been obvious."

We were currently at a grocery store, with me wearing the careful disguise of sunglasses and a beanie to not attract unwanted attention. It was a very hurriedly put together disguise, so it was certainly not one of my best.

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