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A lady walked up to us and called an ambulance and a fire brigade. They arrived within 20 minutes and they began searching the wreckage for any survivors thankfully mum and dad survived but the others didn't make it poor little Jess.

~4 months go pass~

We buried Jess last week the funeral was so sad mum was in tears I had to read for her and even then I broke down into tears.

"We can just try again."dad shouted he was angry because mum wasn't listening. "We have."mum shouted back. "I think we should get tested."dad said calmer. "It's worth a try I suppose.

~1 week later~

Mum and dads test results arrived today mum may not be able to have kids again the explosion has left her with only one ovary and that ones still badly damaged. I don't think this family will ever be the same why did we go to Spain? What's wrong with England?

Olivia OsborneWhere stories live. Discover now