Chapter 21

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*author pov*

Jimin was holding yn in his hands she was bleeding from head and had some injuries on her body they were surrounded by the cars

When someone came out from the cars in black suit with other four boys

"Who are you?"Tae asked

"Let us go otherwise the consequences won't be good"jimin said angrily

"Do you think that your rubbish talk will scare us"boy said very coldly

When two cars came there and stopped in front of them

Everyone was confuse that who was there

Then four girls came out from the cars

"Where is Yn unnie is she fine?"jisoo asked

They walked towards yn and saw her condition they got tears in their eyes seeing yn state

"Why is she here"boy1 said

"What are you waiting let's take her to the hospital"jennie said and jimin nodded

"Do you think we will let you go"boy3 said

Bp started moving towards their car but got stopped by the boys bodyguards

"Let us go"Jennie said coldly

The guard came to punch jennie but tae held his hands and twisted it the guard hissed in pain

" don't you dare to lay hands on my sisters"tae said 

"Jimin oppa you take yn unnie to hospital jisoo unnie and rosé you gowith him me, lisa and tae oppa will handle these guards"Jennie said

"No we can't leave you all alone here let me be here and you can go with them"jimin said

"Oppa trust us, me and unnie are champions in boxing"Lisa said and smirked

Jimin, Jisoo and Rosé went from one car since from one the others will come and left for the hospital

Lisa,Jennie and tae fought with the guards and left from there

Bp got to know about this incidence from BTS since they were close to the location so they came fast

*at hospital*

They took Yn to the hospital her condition was so bad doctors started the treatment

Others state was also not good Jimin and tae also got injured so they were also getting treated by the nurse

Mr and Mrs Kim directly came to the hospital Mrs Kim was hugging Mr Kim and crying on his shoulder

Lisa slept on jungkook shoulder while crying Rosé and Jennie were standing in front of the door seeing their sister treatment and were crying

Jisoo went with Jin and namjoo to meet the doctor and filled the documents of the hospital since they were only in the condition of doing or taking some decisions

Yoongi and hoseok were finding who did the attack

Doctor came out of the room everyone went towards him and started asking the questions

"Doctor how is she?"
"Is she fine?"
"Can we meet her?"

"The injuries were deep we tried our best she is little fine but you can't meet her"doctor said and further added "I hope you understand" everyone nodded

Doctor left from there

Mrs Kim pov

*Yn I know you will be fine, you are my strongest daughter I love you a lot if you will leave me then I will not know how I will live my life please yn fight from this I love you, you are the beautiful gift I got and I wanna keep you with me only in my whole life, love you please recover fast*

Bp pov

*Yn unnie I said to you don't go there alone see this happened now if you will not recover fast, then I will kill you I swear I love you, you are my first mother my second mother is Mrs Kim since when she was not there you were with me you told me what is right what is wrong and till now I don't know anything so recover fast and tell me everything love you*

*bts pov*

We don't know why we are being worryied for you so much but we think we had started accepting you and your sisters, before you came in our life we were not knowing that we can do this much fun with siblings we acted cold because of something and we don't wanna hurt you like her now we started accepting you so it's happening again we can't loose you all we failed to protect her but we won't fail to protect you, we will protect you all in any cost who so ever is doing going to pay a high cost*

Mr Kim pov

*I don't know what is happening this all,I swear if I found out who is doing this then I won't leave the person but who can do this who knows all our information what we are doing who is giving this information to the person I need to set up a Mafia meeting with my sons as soon as possible don't worry yn nothing will happen to you and my family I'll protect everyone*

Yn pov

Ahh my head is hurting I'm not able to see anything clearly what happened the accident yes after that I don't know what happened but the boy the boy in mask he said something but what he said ahh what is happening but is tae and Jimin are ok they were with me I need to found out what if they got injured they were my duty

I then started to move towards the door but the room door was locked from outside yahh WTH

I started moving back towards the bed but I saw someone outside the window

"Who is there I said Who is there"I shouted but no one answered

So stepped towards the window I opened it and found no one I sighed and moved back towards the bed but then I heard a voice of felling down something

I turned back and found the table near window is lying on the ground I got panicked the door is also locked how I will go outside

Then I saw someone standing behind the curtains his shadow is visible because of the moon light

I went towards the curtain and.......

To be continue

Hi moons
How are you
I hope you all are doing fine

So here is a update for u all
Vote and comment how it is
By love u all

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