2:getting to know and accepting

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Sams pov:
Alex walked into the room,"Here"she said,putting a bowl of soup into the bedside table,I look up at her and look away,"thank you.."I mumble,feeling tears brim my eyes,I hate this,I don't wanna be here.

"Why are you crying."Alex asked.

"I'm....nothing"I say,she takes my chin in her hand,"don't lie to me."she growls.

My tears fall,"I don't wanna be here...I don't want this...."I sob,Alex scoffed,"well that's to bad isn't it?"she said,before she brought me closer to her face,"you're a wolf Sam,you fucking submit when I ask you to,you do what you're told immediately,you keep you're mouth shut unless you're spoken to,do you understand me?"she basically yelled into my face,I nod,her hip on my tightened,"use you're words"she growls,"I understand..."I sob,she roughly pushes me back,"eat the soup before it goes cold"she hissed,before leaving,my heart was beating so fast from fear,I just curled up into a ball and cried.


It's been a few days since they brought me home,they haven't forced me to do anything,not even talk to them,exept Alex,she has grabbed me by the collar a few times while she explained the rules to me
I'm not allowed to growl at them,I'm not allowed to be aggressive,there's serious consequences to biting,basically all the rules you'd have for an actual dog.

I was laying on the bed when I heard the bedroom door open and someone walk in,"hey puppy,you alright?you want food or anything?"avery asked me,I shook my head no,still not looking at her,"come on,at least look at me?"she asked,I lifted my head,my eyes immediately met her red ones,I'm mated to a vampire,two vampires,I scanned her up and down,she was in a hoodie and pj bottoms,her black hair was down,I looked back up at her to see her smiling at me,"can you come downstairs with me?"she asked,

"Is Alex downstairs...."I ask,Avery nods,"yeah,she's downstairs"Avery said,"i...I don't wanna go down"I mumble"come on,we won't touch you or anything,I promise"she said

"No...Alex is mean,she doesn't like me"I say,feeling a lump in my throat
"Sam...she does like you...Alex doesn't have the best experience with wolfs..."Avery said,"I don't have the best experience with anyone and i haven't done a thing"I yell"

"I know Sam...calm down"Avery said,"No!im not calming down!i dont wanna be here,i dont want this!I hate this!i hate Alex!Id rather go back to fucking Tony!"I yell out of anger,tears streaming down my face

Avery just looks at me with wide eyes

"Sam...you don't hate her...she's also your mate..."Avery said,"I don't want mates!I do t want anyone!I just wanna be left alone!"I yell

Avery looks hurt,she didn't look like a big scary vampire,she looked like a sad puppy

I immediately felt bad,I lay my head on her lap

"I'm sorry"I say,she rubs my head,"it's okay..."she said,I could hear the pain in her voice

"Please come downstairs?"she asked

I thought about it for a moment before agreeing and going downstairs

When we came down I saw alex sitting down on the couch,"sit."she said,i immediately got on my knees and looked down,"don't make her sit,yet...go sit on the chair puppy"Avery said and Alex scoffed I walked over and sat away from Alex,I was very nervous,I felt little whines slip from my Lips as I kept my head down

"Sammy,don't put your head down,you don't need to be afraid or nervous,sit beside Alex puppy"Avery said,I whined and sat closer to Alex,avery smiled as she sat beside me,now I was between two vampires,"do you want us as your mates?"alex asked,"I don't know.."I said not looking up,they stayed silent

I could basically hear the heartbreak,"wanna tell us about them scars?"alex asked,"my parents gave me to that shop when I was only a pup,ever since then,Tony and whoever else used me as a punching bag,and used silver on me,so scars would leave a mark,he also touched me,only on my chest tho"i explained not looking at them,"he fucking what!?"they yelled,I flinched a little and continued to tell them about the abuse

When I finished,I had tears streaming down my face,"oh Sammy,I'm so sorry that happened to you"Avery said opening her arms,I felt so overwhelmed and I just jumped into her arms,I let it all out,I sobbed my eyes out,while she just ran her fingers through my hair and Alex rubbed my back,I flinched when she did,i felt my eyes get heavier and heavier till I fell asleep
Alexs pov:
Sam fell asleep on Avery,"we need to get Tony and have word with him"Avery said,"yeah,I'll send someone to the shop"I said,I looked at sams tear stained face,"we should probably put her down,she doesn't want us touching her"Avery said as she got up and laid Sam on the couch,she kissed my cheek and went over to the kitchen,"I hope she wants us"she said looking at Sam,"she's just scared,right?"I said,"she's scared of you no doubt."Avery said,I grumble,"you know how I am about wolfs."I say,"she's you're fucking mate Alex,don't be a dick"Avery said,I roll my eyes and sit beside Sam

A few minutes later Avery came over and laid her head on my lap and fell asleep,so did I

*the next day,9:30am*

Averys pov:
I woke up and checked my phone,9:30am,I went on my phone for a while till I felt something move,I looked over and Sam was awake "good morning puppy"I said smiling at her,"morning"she mumbles out,she stood up and I got up to,"where are you going?"I asked her,"water"she said quietly

I walked over to the kitchen with her and gave her a glass of water,"so,what's your favourite colour?"I asked,she looked confused but answered,"yellow"she said,"what's yours"she asked,"hmm,probably purple"I said,and kept asking her questions like what her favourite food was,what music she likes,what's her favourite subject,Alex soon joined us as I got Sam to talk more.

While she was still talking,I noticed she still had the collar on,I went up and put my hand on it and brought her towards me,she whined at the contact but didn't say anything,"you probably want that off huh"I said as I examined the collar,she nodded,"Mhm,I'll take it off,but,you have to promise you'll still be good when it's off?"I said,"absolutely not"Alex hissed,"come on,give her a break"I said and Alex huffed "I promise"Sam said

I nodded and easily ripped the collar off,being careful not to hurt her,when it was off she rubbed her neck witch was all red,"come here" Alex said,Sam went over to her and Alex gently took sams jaw in her hand and started kissing her neck,vampires have special healing abilities,Sam jumped a little but didn't try stop Alex,so Alex went from one side of her neck to the other,making the redness go away

I looked down and saw sams tail wagging happily,someone likes neck kisses,alex pulled away and sams neck wasn't red anymore,Sam blushed and said "thank you"and kept her head down,I smiled at how shy she was,"I'm starving,I'm ordering breakfast"I said taking my phone out,"you wanna try a breakfast burrito Sammy?"I asked her,she nodded,I smiled and ordered the food

*20 minutes later*

The food came and I gave sam hers,she took a bite and immediately wagged her tail,"it's good huh puppy?"I asked,she nodded and continued eating,she dropped a tiny little bit on her shirt,she looked like she just seen a ghost,"I-I'm sorry-I didnt m-mean to"she started to ramble,me and Alex looked at her confused,"Puppy it's okay?it's only a little"I say wiping her shirt,"see,all gone"I said smiling at her

"why did you panic so much?"alex asked her,"Tony wasn't a fan of us making mistakes"she said,"puppy,you didn't think we'd hit you?did you?"I asked,she stayed quiet,"Sam,your our mate,we can't hurt you,and even if you weren't,we still wouldn't do anything to harm you,I promise",I say

"I wouldn't put it past Alex..."she grumbled,she then went quiet,she looked like she was thinking hard.

The next thing that came out of her mouth cought me and Alex off guard

"I want yous as my mates"

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