3:take it slow

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Sams pov:

"I want yous as my mates"

I cannot believe I just said that,especially
When I'm still scared shitless of them,especially Alex.Avery and Alex just sat there staring at me,I could hear there hearts racing,my faced heated up

"you accept us puppy?"Avery said quietly,it's only been 10 days,and they haven't touched me,talked to me,or even looked at me when I didn't want them to,well,Alex struggled with some of them things.

"yes,I do"I said keeping my head down,"can we hug you?or kiss or mark?"alex asked,"hug sure....kiss maybe...I don't know yet...can we wait to Uhm...mark?"I asked feeling my face get hotter,"of course puppy,take your time,we won't force you to do anything"Avery said leaning over so her lips were just above mine,"can I?"she whispered against me,I nodded and she gently put her lips on mine,oh.my.god.

Her lips are so soft,I leaned into her more,then she pulled away and I whined and she smiled at me,then Alex kissed me,same thing,her lips are incredibly soft.
Alexs pov:

Fuck it feels so good to kiss her,I leaned in more then pulled away and looked at her,she put her head on my shoulder,clearly embarrassed,Avery laughed and kissed sams head


Sam went upstairs while me and Avery sat on the couch watching a movie,about an hour later at 7pm she came back down,she sat on the floor beside my legs and rested her head on me,"my throat hurts.."sam said,"Awh poor baby"Avery said Standing up to get water from the kitchen,"wanna sit on the chair with us Sam?"I asked,she hesitated but she got up and sat in the middle,I rubbed her head and got what sounded like a purr?in return,Avery came back and sat down,with water,she gave it to sam who drank it immediately,"thank you"she muttered out,Avery kissed sams cheek as a your welcome gesture

a while later it was 9:30pm,"you hungry Sam?"I asked her,"a little"she responded,"Hm,I'll make food"I said getting up and walking to the kitchen,"what do wolfs eat?"I questioned looking in the Frige,"mostly raw meat,but I think they only eat it raw when there in wolf form"Avery said as she pulled Sam into her,sams tail wagged and she nuzzled against Avery

"can you shift for us sam?"I asked,she shook her head no,"why not?"avery asked,"I don't know how,my wolf hasn't been able to,none of the wolfs at the shop could shift,everyone's inner wolf was to afraid to"Sam said looking at the floor,"how does it usually happen?"I ask,"there's a lot of ways,the most used way is to scare someone or get them irritated or put them in a situation where they need and can protect themselves"Sam replied

What if I could scare it out of her?

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