5:bedtime thunder

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*time skip*

***Averys pov:***

Today we've had sam 3 weeks,she's finally agreed to sleep with us,not in a sexual way,just lay down with us,Alex was in a pair of baggy pj bottoms and a hoodie and I was in the same,Sam was very hesitant on sleeping in the same bed with us,but agreed,it was around 11:30pm,so we decided to go to bed,Alex was already laying in bed on her phone,Sam was in the shower and I was getting water

A few minutes later,Sam came out of the bathroom and I walked into the bedroom,her hair was slightly damp and covering her eyes a little,I blushed and I'm assuming Alex did to,she was drying her tail with her towel,"cant wolfs like hide there tails and ears?"I ask,"yeah,it's super uncomfortable to tho"Sam said as she started drying her short purple hair

After she dried her hair,we all got into bed,Sam in the middle,me on the right side and Alex on the left,we were all basically in the middle tho since I had my head on sams back and Alex had hers on sams chest while Sam laid on her side,I could feel Sam purring?wolfs do that?it's cute,she's so warm,I know for a fact me and Alex are cold since we're vampires,soon we all drifted off to sleep.

***Alexs pov:***

I woke up to thunder and lightning,i checked the time,1:26am,I noticed Sam wasn't in bed anymore,I could hear whining under the bed,I got out of bed and looked under the bed,Sam was in her wolf form crying under the bed

I didn't Understand till another bang of lightning hit and Sam cried more,she doesn't like the loud noises.she's basically half dog.she's scared."Sam?can you come out?"I asked,she shook her head no,I thought for a moment,she always listens to Avery when she talks softly to her,I'll try that

"Baby,can you please come here?it's okay,I'll keep you safe from the thunder?"I asked in a soft and comforting tone,she hesitated but when another loud bang struck she ran out to me,she shifted back and curled up in my lap on the floor crying,"shh,it's okay,I got you"I whispered kissing her head,the bond with your mate is the strongest thing you'll ever feel, it makes you feel safe in there arms,no matter what,I could feel sams beating heart slow down to a normal pace

"There you go,it's okay"I said again lifting her head and kissing her cheek,I covered her ears with my hands as I placed kisses all over her face and neck,I'd say I'm surprised Avery didn't wake up,but I'm not,she's a very heavy sleeper.

I'm not usually good with comforting anyone,but I managed to relax Sam,she was still jumpy and whiny but she wasn't as scared

I lifted her back into bed,she basically clung to me,she's never this affectionate or touchy, especially with me,I know she's somewhat scared of me,I don't think she is after tonight tho,she could of moved over to Avery,but she stayed cuddled up to me,I ran my fingers through her hair,she was purring because of it,I smiled and kissed her,she melted into me and kissed back,"you okay now puppy?"I asked,she wagged her tail a little at the pet name,"yeah"she said putting her face in the crook of my neck,maybe not every wolf is bad.

*Sams pov:******

Alex is holding me with a death grip,I don't care tho,I need to be close to her,the thunder and lightning continued,but I felt safe in my mates arms,oh godess,my mate,my mates.even tho my wolf still didnt trust them,well,I think she does now,since Alex is holding us safe from the big scary storm,Alex was half asleep but still kissing my head,I kissed her neck alittle,as a thank you

In response,Alex pulled me closer,while mumbling something,i purred against her,she smells so nice,like lavender,everytime thunder struck,she would immediately rub my back or head and whisper,
"shh",she was pretty much asleep when she was doing it,for a vampire,she's very warm,I closed my eyes and started to drift asleep

*the next day*

I woke up still in Alexs arms,and Avery had moved to spoon me,I was being squished in the middle of them,it was a good thing tho,I could feel there hearts beating,it made my wolf happy

I soon fell back asleep

**Averys pov:**

I woke up spooning Sam,she was clung to alex,Alex was still peacefully sleeping,and so was Sam,Sam was still purring alittle,I smiled and hugged Sam tightly,I kissed her shoulder,I stood up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and make breakfast,I gave Sam bacon and eggs and made me and Alex bacon eggs and a glass of blood,the glasses where black since we don't wanna gross Sam out

A few minutes later,sam came down,she hugged me as I stood at the stove,I kissed her head and said,"good morning puppy"she mumbled a,"morning"into my back

I cut up a little raw bacon,"shift for me Sammy"I said,she shifted into her wolf form,"sit"I said teasing her she listened and sat down,"good girl,"I said and I gave her some bacon,she wagged her tail,I cut up some more,"lay down"I said,she listened and layed down,I gave her more bacon till the food was done

Sam was eating her food off a plate on the floor in her wolf form still,Alex walked in and sams tail wagged more,Alex smiled and went to sit down,when Sam finished eating,she went over and layed down beside Alexs legs,Alex smiled and rubbed sams head.

I love my mates

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