Cheater Idol x College Student Male Reader (Lemon)

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Requested by: JangJeonghoon


Hey There Delilah


(Y/N)'s POV

My name's (Y/N). I'm second year in college. Things between me and my girl, Delilah, have been going rather poorly. She's a famous idol, and i'm just a regular everyday normal motherfucker. I was heading to her dorm. She had the money, so hers was a lot fancier than the standart one. She even invited me to live there.  I wanted to make a dinner for both of us, and watch a movie after that. When i entered i saw her getting ready to leave. She glanced at me for a moment and then proceeded to look at herself in the mirror.

(Y/N): W-Where are you going?

Delilah: I'm having a late meeting with my manager at our studio. There will be a lot of people, and it'll probably take a lot of time. So don't wait for me for dinner.

I saddened a bit.

(Y/N): C-Could you not go? Just... Just this once? It's getting lonely without you here.

Delilah: Sorry, (Y/N), i can't miss any meetings and you know it.

I grabbed her hand. She looked at me with disgust.

(Y/N): Y-Yes, but... can't you do it for me just this once? Please?

She yanked her hand away, leaving me in confusion.

Delilah: Get away from me, creep!

(Y/N): D-Delilah?

Delilah: Don't be so needy! It was cute at first, but now you're just annoying!

(Y/N): But... I'm your boyfriend...

She headed toward the door.

Delilah: Don't be so sure about that!

(Y/N): W-What?

Delilah: Start acting more like a man, and THEN we'll talk about it! 

She slammed the door and left. I was staring at the floor.

(Y/N)'s mind: What did she meant by that? Does she... want to break up?

I had a weird feeling in my gut. I went to the kitchen to start preparing dinner for myself... again. 

(Y/N): *Sigh* Instant noodles again, i guess.

I was about to boil the water, but them noticed Delilah's phone on the counter.

(Y/N): Oh no, she's probably gonna need that. 

I grabbed it and decided to get down to the studio to bring it to her.


After about an hour, i reached the studio she worked at. The door was unlocked for some reason. It was kind of unusual for this time of night. I walked inside, looking for her. It was strangely quiet.

(Y/N)'s mind: Strange... I thought there would be a lot of people here...

I heard the distinct sound of skin clapping against skin. After a few seconds, a moaning was heard. I went to investigate. I reached Delilah's room. The sound was clearly comming from there. It was sligthly opened so i peeked inside. What i saw  made me tear up. Delilah was inside, and her manager was on top of her. They were both naked.

Delilah: Yes! Keep punding me!

Manager: You haven't done that with your boyfirend, have you?

Delilah: Are you kidding?! He's not even half the man you are! He's always trying to be romantic with me, and it gets so boirng! He probably isn't even as big as you are~

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