De bitre løgnene og tomme løftene

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When (Y/n) first met Arthur Erstad, they both had just graduated high school. He was a charmimg young man with hair the color of a sunrise... they were friends before anything else.

It was only a few years into their friendship when Arthur confessed to having feelings for (Y/n)... and (Y/n), the naive young fool that he was, couldn't find it in his heart to say no.

At first, the relationship wasn't all that bad. You might even say it was pleasant. Of course, (Y/n) was just too inexperienced to see all the red flags surrounding Arthur.

It began when Arthur practically forced (Y/n) to let Arthur move in with him. He tried to focus on the bright side of the situation, such as sharing a bed with the one he loved, but things only got worse from there...

Arthur refused to help with chores. His first excuse was that he wasn't any good at chores. When (Y/n) asked him to at least try, Arthur then loudly proclaimed that it was his house, and therefore (Y/n) should maintain it himself. He didn't have the energy to keep arguing with Arthur after that.

Soon enough, Arthur came home less and less frequently. He claimed it was just his work and (Y/n) had no evidence to say otherwise...

Imagine his fury when he came home one day to find that Arthur had sold his house without permission so they could move all the way to Ensborg, the village (Y/n) had grown up in.

It took years for his father to finally get them out of that damn hellhole, and now Arthur was dragging him right back because of "work."

Even so, (Y/n) couldn't find a way out of this relationship. His home was gone, and leaving Arthur would mean that he'd loose just about everything. He was stuck.

(Y/n) blindly tried to focus on the bright side. Even with all of the hardships he had to face, including Arthur's inconsiderate nature, at least he could bask in the love that they shared... right?

(Y/n) leaned against the wall of the only tavern in Ensborg, watching blankly as Arthur paraded around with a woman (Y/n) had gone to school with in his younger years. From what he remembered, she wasn't unkind... though, she wasn't a saint either.

There was no proof that she knew what he was to Arthur... or, more like what Arthur was to him. (Y/n) was a fool to ever believe that golden ring of his was just a gift from his mother. The children he would accompany around town was a testament to that.

(Y/n)'s heart was thoroughly broken, but he had nowhere else to go. He knew now that this accursed town would be the place he died, just like his mother before him.

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