Når vennskap blomstrer

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"Another round, please..."

"Get a damn job, hippie."

Despite the complaint, Richard slid (Y/n) another tankard of booze. The tavern was practically empty again, so he probably needed the money.

No one was surprised when the stranger strode in yet again and began to play his violin. It had been a month since his first appearance, and he came every Friday with his violin. He would always play one song and then leave. It began to feel like each melody was a little bit longer than the last...

Through all of his visits, not a single person learned or knew his name. He simply became a presence everyone got used to.

(Y/n) was halfway through his fifth drink when the stranger finished his song. The applause nearly made him go deaf but the man onstage bowed like he always did, basking in the recognition of his talent.

Next, (Y/n) would watch him leave as usual. He never stuck around for a drink or an encore, almost as if he were on a tight schedule.

Today, however... was the very first time he broke that schedule.

"Lovely evening, isn't it?"

(Y/n) sputtered on his drink, not expecting to be approached by the man of the hour himself. After clearing his throat, he gave the taller male his full attention.

"Uh... yeah... I-I guess?"

A charming laugh filled the space between them, and the awkwardness (Y/n) felt steadily melted into nothing.

"Is this seat taken?"

He gestured to the barstool beside (Y/n), and the shorter shook his head, scooting ever so slightly to the left so he could sit. The taller sighed as he sat, his hair swaying slightly with the movement.

"So, what's your name?"

"(Y/n) (L/n). Yours?"


He paused for a moment, and (Y/n) stared at him from over the rim of his tankard.

"M-my name is... Øve. Øve På.

"Øve På?"

"Yeah... th-that's why I don't usually give it out to people."

Øve's smile was sheepish, filled with some kind of sweetness (Y/n) didn't have the words to describe. He couldn't help but smile back at the taller male.

They talked for hours on end, and throughout it all, (Y/n) didn't order any more drinks. For once in a long time, he felt truly at ease... as if he had finally found the nirvana his father wanted him to have.

When (Y/n) got home at about midnight, Arthur was waiting for him. He violently grabbed the shorter by the collar of his shirt. His eyes were panicked and wide, filled with what could only be described as pure insanity...

"Where the fuck is my family?!"

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