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(Y/n) followed Alban like a lost puppy, allowing himself to be dragged into the woods. Where caution should be, there only sat a warmly bitter taste of reveries long past.

Even after so many years apart, he still trusted Alban like no other.

"So, your boyfriend ended up being a scumbag... I know how that feels. My last suitor sunk his business after investing in some sort of dodgy scam."

The words felt more lighthearted than they probably should've.

"If I were him, I would've treated you much better."

They wandered and chatted, enjoying themselves under the scenic cover of night. It was only when they finally reached the lake that (Y/n) considered for even a moment that he shouldn't be there.

"Oh, the water looks lovely tonight. What do you say we take a dip?"

"What, right now? I... don't have any swimwear."

"Swimwear? Who said anything about swimwear?"

(Y/n) jolted in surprise when Alban immediately began to strip.

"W-wait a minute, Alban... that's i-illegal!"

The other man ignored him, bending down to undo the button of his pants. (Y/n) immediately covered his eyes, not willing to see his childhood friend naked.

"Well, uhm... i-if you're gonna do that, I think I'm just gonna go-"

The younger male yelped as, without any warning, his back was slammed against a tree. His hands were grabbed and promptly pinned down, forcing him to look up into Alban's eyes.

"Seriously? How stupid can you get?"

(Y/n) had never heard Alban sound so... fustrated before. His gaze was as intense as a fire.

"I... don't follow."

A growl tore the space between them, rumbling thick in Alban's chest as he leaned ever closer.

"I want you, dammit! I've always wanted you!"

(Y/n)'s heart sank into his stomach... the tone was too familiar. Even the words, to some extent, gave him a sickening feeling of déjà vu.

"That's very, um... nice of you, Alban, but-"

"No! No "buts"! I thought I'd never see you again, and I won't let this opportunity slip me by."

Then Alban's lips crashed into his own, forcing his tongue down his throat while his free hand began to explore (Y/n)'s body. The younger immediately began struggling, blinking back the tears that threatened to fall.

He now knew with full certainty that this wasn't the Alban he remembered. This Alban, a man he just met, seemed to be even worse than Arthur. As scummy as Arthur was, he never touched him against his will. Not like this.

Arthur was the devil he knew. Alban was simply lust disguised as nostalgia.

Just as one of Alban's fingers hooked on the hem of (Y/n)'s pants, the older male was tugged away.

"What the hell?!"

The thing hovering over Alban was soaking wet with skin pale as death, slimy and scaly under the moonlight. Its hair was monstrously long, black like an endless abyss with a few long clumps of moss tangled between the wet strands.

It snarled down at Alban with a mouth full of needle-like teeth. (Y/n)'s heart was thundering in his chest, pounding away from the adrenaline coursing through him.

He could only watch helplessly as the creature's jaw unhinged, Alban struggling beneath it right before powerful jaws clamped down on his exposed shoulder.

Alban shrieked.

It all happened faster than (Y/n) could even consider running. The thing pulled away, taking almost Alban's entire shoulder with it, swallowed, and went back for more.

He screamed, shouting for help that would never arrive... and (Y/n) could do nothing but watch in disgusted horror.

Alban only stopped struggling after his chest had been completely shredded, ribs and insides on gory display. The creature was done in less than a minute, blood running down its chin in dark clots.

Glowing yellow eyes immediately darted over to (Y/n), staring into his very soul. All at once, (Y/n) was hit with an intense feeling of fear.

"Hello, my dear."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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