2: He used to have a Golden Touch

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"Is this it?" Timon asked once I stopped in front of a fountain.

I looked around. The place was filled with people walking or chatting or having a picnic.

"I think so," I said looking back at the Storian. "They're supposed to be here."

Timon nudged me. "That's him," He nodded towards a dark skinned boy with black, curly hair. He was walking around the place looking lost.

"I saw him with Rafal before he ran into the Woods. He has a golden touch."

"That means...?"

"Whatever he touches would turn gold."

"And you sure that's him?"

His reply was cut off by a buzz from the Storian. A picture of the boy appeared on the screen. I read his name. "Midas."

"Yep. That's him."

We hurried towards the boy and I called, "Hey, Midas!"

He turned to us in alarm. "Who are you? How do you know my name? What is this place?"

"I'm Y/n Darkshine," I said. "This is Timon. Do you come from the School for Good and Evil too?"


"I know you are confused, and all — but so am I. I found this Mirror that calls itself the Storian and it tells me I'm its master, then it lead me to Timon, here, only a few minutes ago and now its lead me to you—"

"Y/n, breathe," said Timon.

I did and looked at Midas. His face expression told me that I had left him more confused than before.

I sighed. "Did you die?"

"Yeah," he replied, his voice suspicious. "By Peter Pan."

"Peter Pa- OW!"

Timon punched my arm which he had probably thought would silence my scream.

"Why? Do you know him?" Midas asked.

"I watched his movie." I rubbed my arm, and scowled at Timon. "He was the hero."

"Well, he's..." Midas searched for a word but failed, "... not." He turned to Timon. "How did you die?"

"An arrow to the heart. The war hadn't started yet."

I saw Midas gulp. "Uh, yeah, that sort of started it all, But it wasn't from Rhian's army. It was Pan. He was aiming for Rafal, but..."

Timon nodded, understandingly, but Midas still looked nervaus. "Didn't you have one eye?"

"I can control that now."

"This is really not how I expected my life to be once I'd moved into this neighborhood," I said almost to myself, "Let's... uh— sit!"

I slumped to the grass, following my own request and the boys followed.

"I'm dead..." Midas mumbled. "But I'm still alive. Also- why is my voice like this?"

"Like what?" I asked.

"A child."

"We're younger than what we were," Timon pointed out.

"You were old?" I said turning from Timon to Midas in horror.

"No," Midas said. "Just older."

"This world is weird," said Timon, looking at the people. "Everyone is minding their own business."

"What is this place anyway?" Midas interrupted.

"Greenbay Park—"

"I know. I read the sign, but where?"



"USA," I repeated.

"I heared you the first time, but what is this place?"

I frowned. "The US—"

Midas groaned. "Y/n, we come from another world! We don't know what the USA is!"

"You don't know what—" I was too surprised, "Or London?"

They shook their heads.

"Or the Eiffel Tower?"

"You have an Evil Tower?" Timon asked.

"I- no, that's not—" I sighed. "I hate tutoring."
I looked at Midas. "In your pockets are stuff that will help you in this world. Don't lose them."

Midas reached to his pocket. "Like weapons?"

"Not really."


"Again?" I said confused, turning the Storian around to face me.

"Someone else dead?" Timon asked.

"I think."

"Wouldn't be supriesed if it wasn't the last one," said Midas, "People usually die at war."

I started to get up. At least I still have money for ice-cream later.

"This is a wild scavenger hunt," the grey-eyed boy muttered while dusting off his pants.

"Tell me about it," I said, then spotted the red dot near the lake on the Mirror Map. "Uh oh."

"What?" Timon turned to me confused.

"The red dot is moving around... That means whoever that person is, they are getting away."

Midas sighed. "I'm not sure who it is, but I think I have a hunch."

A/n: Can u guess who?? Also, plz do not forget to VOTE!!!

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