4: I Don't Know Who He Is But Rafal Wants to Kill Him Again

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Y/n's POV:

We licked our vanilla ice-cream (since it was the only flavour they sold), while the boys talked about random stuff, shooting an insult at Peter every few seconds.

I went through the Mirror swiping and tapping on the glass, looking for more information to clear everything up. I sat between Midas and Rafal on the bench. Timon and Peter on the ground facing us.

I started on the cone. I swiped here and there until I found the Mirror Map. I tapped on it to reveal the same map that led me to the boys.

On the top of the Mirtor/screen was a squared button that read 'Track G & E House'.

I figured G & E meant Good & Evil. I clicked on it.

Instantly, the familiar blue arrow appeared, pointing at a direction. The destination was in Grey Street, I popped the rest of the cone into my mouth and jumped to my feet.

"I fink I foun' a pwace for you," I said mouth-full, then hurried away.

"Why are your always in a hurry?" Midas grumbled as they chased after me.

I swallowed the biscuit. "The sooner we find a house, the sooner I'll get rid of you, the sooner I'd go home and change these soaked clothes!"

Rafal jogged up to me. "What are you?" he asked.

"Erm-" I wondered how to answer this. What am I? What sort of quetion is that? "Well— I'm human," I simply said. It seemed like the right a answer.

"I know that, but..."

"I'm a girl."

"No, I mean like, are you a princess or something?"

I turned my head to him. "I'm flattered. But why would you think I'm a princess?"

He shrugged. "You sound like one."

This was the first time someone's complimented my voice.

"What do princesses sound like?"


Eh, never mind.

We walked down Grey Street and I checked the house numbers.

"Look for No. 55." I told them.

"There." Peter pointed at a house.

"That's 56 you idiot," Midas shot.

"Really? Well, it's not my fault the writing isn't clear!"

"If that's 56, then..." I turned to the house opposite it, "that must be 55."

Honestly? House was not the right word for it. Mansion was.

"The Good & Evil Mansion..." I muttered.

"This is where we're going to live?" Midas asked in awe.

"The storian led us here, so it must be," I said.

Timon didn't look happy as the rest. "It looks so... Good."

"I know what you mean," said Rafal, "But something's wrong... Someone already lives here."

"How can you tell?" I asked.

"That window."

We turned to see what Rafal nodded at. The curtains to the window on the ground floor were open.

Inside was the back of a man's head who appears to be watching TV.

"Hell, no." Rafal's voice came out like a loud creepy growl.

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