Sparring partners

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Butch pov

So it has been a quite few months since my brothers, and I decided to move to the outskirts of Townsville. Our fathers, or should I say creators still sometimes keep in contact with us, hoping that we will destroy the Powerpuff Girls.. we tried and tried time and time again, but we always failed. The girls always figure out a way to either outsmart us or figure out a weakness...

Sometimes I feel like I have so much anger inside of me that I just don't know what to do with it. I will admit that I had several fun times during the past few months...


The boys and I were just wandering through Townsville, trying to figure out something to do. We went over to a fast food shack got some burgers and French fries and went to the arcade to play some video games... Lindsey Powerpuff girls showed up out of nowhere and we were ready for a fight.

After punching and kicking and doing the same thing, over and over again, the girls Flangers into a limousine that was just passing by through traffic. Lo and behold, we came to a girl named Princess. She desperately wanted to be rowdy ruff boys so bad for my elder brother, let her down roughly.

Of course, the little princess wasn't too happy about it and decided to go and cry to the Powerpuff Girls. Those sissies had made her a Powerpuff girl for a day, and tried to destroy us with her army vehicles.. that just turned out to be the opposite, and we enjoyed the destruction around us.

Buildings blew up, cars were torn into and people were scattering while running and screaming. The girls mister several times, and all we did was just laugh with excitement...

We saw the plane antiques and boat and decided that we wanted to have a team playing with them. We dashed in and shoved their counterparts aside to play with the interesting gadgets.. we had caused a lot of destruction and it was better than fighting. Those sissies all day long.. we had so much fun until we were paralyzed with laughter. I mean we can't even get up off the ground. That was a good day...

End of flashback

My brothers and I decided to take a flight around the city. We were looking for something fun to do until we knew it was the Candi shop down below...

" Hey guys... Look... There's that kid with the jawbreakers again... Let's go steal them" Call Boomer to me and Brick. .

My brother and I agreed, and we flew down to find the young boy, clutching the jawbreakers. Of course, we beat him up and took the Candi for ourselves.. we went over to the park bench and dug into the sack of Candi.

This reminds me of the time when my brother Boomer was captured by the Powerpuff Girls.


My brothers and I were bored, so we just decided to be the people for fun. Then my stupid blind brother just had to be annoying so we sent him away to find us some candy... I honestly don't remember what happened after that but I do know that Boomer came back acting weird.

I didn't notice, though, the boomer looked a bit strange. His hair color was a lighter shade of yellow than usual.. ant... What is that pink eyeshadow??? I mean... He was still wearing the same clothes, but his voice even sounded weird.

Brick and I of course had our suspicions, so we decided to give the "" Boomer a test. We flew into the city and went to figure out some ideas that we could do... Boomer, of course, would never suggest chemistry experiments. Like who does he think he is?? so we decided to go to some graffiti as well as launch, spit rockets. Boomer made the most damage in the City Park, and honestly, I was amazed...

Butchercup (butch x buttercup) Where stories live. Discover now