Besani's Descent

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The moon hung low in the night sky as Besani, battered and broken, made her way through the shadows towards the dark heart of the demon world. Her encounter with Yuriko, the demon slayer who had spared her life, had ended in humiliation and defeat. The memory of her tearful escape haunted her every step. She knew there would be no forgiveness from Muzan Kibutsuji for her failure.

Once, Besani had been a frail and struggling human, toiling away in a restaurant in the notorious entertainment district. Her life had been defined by hardship, with health issues that seemed insurmountable. She had spent her days serving ruthless patrons, her nights plagued by relentless coughing fits that shook her fragile body.

But fate had taken a twisted turn when Muzan Kibutsuji, the progenitor of demons, had set his eyes upon her. The demon lord, known for his cruelty, had grown intrigued by Besani's tenacity. He had seen something in her, a spark of potential that he believed could be molded into something greater.

In her darkest hour, when her health was deteriorating rapidly, Muzan had made his move. He had gifted Besani his demonic blood, a transformative act that had forever altered the course of her existence. The moment his blood coursed through her veins, she had been reborn as a demon.

The transformation had been both exhilarating and agonizing. Her frailty had given way to newfound strength, her once-painful coughs silenced forever. But with the power of a demon came an insatiable hunger, a hunger for human flesh that gnawed at her from within.

Over time, Besani had indulged her voracious appetite, feeding on plentiful humans to fuel her growing strength. The more she consumed, the more her body and abilities transcended the limitations of mortality. She had become a predator, a creature of the night who reveled in her newfound power.

Besani's ascent had not gone unnoticed. Her unwavering loyalty and insatiable hunger for strength had earned her the favor of Muzan himself. She had risen through the ranks, her ambition unrelenting. With each feat of cruelty and each display of her growing power, she had inched closer to her ultimate goal: to become one of the Twelve Kizuki, the elite demons who served as Muzan's top lieutenants.

But now, all those dreams lay shattered. Her failure to eliminate a lone demon slayer had revealed her weaknesses to Muzan, and there was no room for weakness in the ranks of the Twelve Kizuki.

The towering figure of Muzan awaited her in a dimly lit chamber, his presence exuding an oppressive aura that weighed on her like a crushing vice. As Besani entered, her trembling form bathed in the eerie crimson glow of his demonic power, she steeled herself for the inevitable retribution.

Muzan's eyes, blood-red and filled with wrath, bore into Besani's soul. "You... pathetic failure," he hissed, his voice dripping with contempt. "I gave you a simple task, Besani. A task that would have earned you a place among the Twelve Kizuki. And what did you do? You failed."

Besani fell to her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks. She knew the consequences of her failure all too well. In the demon hierarchy, where strength was the only currency that mattered, weakness was not tolerated.

"I-I'm sorry, Lord Muzan," she stammered, her voice barely audible. "I tried my best, but the demon slayer was too strong. Please, have mercy."

Muzan's response was merciless. With a speed that defied the laws of nature, he closed the distance between them in an instant. His hand lashed out, striking Besani with a force that sent her hurtling across the chamber. She crashed into the stone wall, her body wracked with pain.

"You are not fit to be one of my Twelve Kizuki!" Muzan roared, his rage uncontainable. "You will never be one of us!"

Besani's vision blurred as she struggled to her feet. Blood oozed from her wounds, staining the floor with a sickly shade of crimson. She knew that she was in the presence of a monster beyond comprehension, a being who had once saved her life but now sought to end it.

Muzan's relentless assault continued, each strike a reminder of her inadequacy. Besani's cries for mercy fell on deaf ears as her tormentor reveled in her suffering. It was a brutal, unrelenting punishment that seemed to stretch on for an eternity.

Finally, as abruptly as it had begun, Muzan's assault ceased. He stood over Besani, his malevolent presence still palpable, but he had grown bored of her suffering. With a chilling finality, he spoke, "You are nothing, Besani. A worthless failure. Now, get out of my sight."

Besani, broken and defeated, could only nod in response. She stumbled out of Muzan's chamber, her body trembling with pain and despair. She had once harbored dreams of becoming one of Muzan's elite, of wielding power beyond imagination. But those dreams lay shattered at her feet, reduced to nothing more than a cruel mirage.

As Besani wandered through the dark, desolate streets of the demon world, she realized that she had nowhere to turn. She had severed her ties to the demon hierarchy, and the demon slayer who had spared her life would surely seek her out if given the chance. With a heavy heart and a sense of hopelessness, Besani embarked on a desperate journey, seeking an end to her misery and a release from the torment of her existence.

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