Echoes of Dread

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In the labyrinthine corridors of the Infinite Castle, the groups of friends had wandered aimlessly for what felt like an eternity. Unbeknownst to each other, they had taken different paths, each believing they were getting closer to their ultimate goal Muzan Kibutsuji.

Besani and Inosuke, ever the spirited duo, had been arguing relentlessly as they roamed the dark and winding passages. Inosuke, his boar's head helmet never leaving his face, was growing increasingly frustrated with the seemingly endless maze they were trapped in. "We're just going in circles! This place is a joke!"

Besani, her emerald-green eyes glinting with defiance, retorted, "Maybe if you stopped trying to lead, Inosuke, we'd actually make some progress."

Their bickering echoed through the eerie hallways, adding to the already tense atmosphere of the castle. Tanjiro and Yuriko, on their own journey to find Muzan, had encountered their fair share of demons but remained united and focused.

Meanwhile, Zenitsu clung desperately to Nezuko, his terrified pleas for her to get him out of the castle filling the air. Nezuko, her demonic strength and determination unwavering, tried her best to reassure him amidst his panicked ramblings.

And then there was Maikeru, who had been frantically searching for his friends. His worry had grown with each passing moment, fearing for their safety in the treacherous castle. He had taken it upon himself to roam the corridors in search of any sign of their presence.

As fate would have it, the groups unknowingly converged in a dimly lit chamber, their chance reunion both surprising and relieving. They were startled to see each other, and while Tanjiro and Yuriko wore expressions of gratitude, Inosuke was quick to vent his frustration.

"You guys took forever! We could have already found Muzan by now!" Inosuke's voice was a mixture of anger and impatience.

Besani, her patience wearing thin after their relentless arguments, was about to fire back when a chilling sound filled the chamber—a low, echoing laughter that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at once.

The laughter sent shivers down their spines, and their gazes darted around the dimly lit chamber, searching for the source of the eerie sound. But it was Besani who froze in fear, her eyes widening in recognition.

She whispered with trembling voice, "That laugh... I know it. It's him."

The others exchanged puzzled glances, but Besani's terror was unmistakable. It was a laugh that had haunted her for centuries a laugh that belonged to Muzan Kibutsuji himself.

Maikeru's expression darkened as he realized the gravity of the situation. "We need to stay calm and stick together. If Muzan is nearby, we must be prepared."

With dread in their hearts and the chilling echoes of Muzan's laughter still ringing in their ears, they readied themselves for whatever awaited them in the twisted depths of the Infinite Castle.

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