Chapter 5: dinner

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

They both turned their gazes toward the sound, one quickly, as if on edge, the other lazily perking up an ear.

"Ah! Food's ready!"
Said Wukong with excitment, as if nothing had happened mere seconds ago.

He got up, then went over to the microwave.

The darker simian took a moment to sigh, then got up aswell, slightly grunting, still holding their neck gently.

Wukong's tail lashed behind him happily, as he took out the 'food' from the microwave.

The moon of the relationship just watched, shooting little, almost unnoticeable daggers at him with their gaze. They stopped as soon as they saw the sun move slightly.

He turned around, then started walking back toward the room Macaque woke up in.

"C'mon! Food's not gonna eat itself"
The lighter simian teased affectionately, not noticing the other's hate threatening to make his eyes explode.

They both went back inside 'the room' (Macaque refused to call the place they were held captive in theirs), and Wukong settled the plate of food on a two-people dining table, then invited Macaque to sit down and eat.

So, the moon, still feeling their neck was warm, sat down in front of the plate. They eyed it for a minute, before putting it on a fork and smelling it to test if there was any poison in it.

"Oh c'mon, moonshine! I wouldn't poison it! You know that, right?"
The former kings said softly, his hands under his chin, holding his head as he watched the other.

'the other', Macaque, glared at him, growling lightly, before pushing the plate not so gently toward their former, unofficial mate.

"Why don't you eat it then."
They said coldly, shooting daggers at the simian once again.

Said simian, stared at his f̶o̶r̶m̶e̶r̶ mate, then chuckled softly.

"I know, i know, you need a little bit more time to trust me again, i get it, you always had a little trust issues. So, as a good mate, which i am, I'll respect that. It's not poisoned. I'll prove it to you-"
He pulled the plate a little closer to him, before his moonshine spoke again.

"Nuh uh! You don't count! You're invincible to most drugs and poisons!"

He was right. The sun was resilient to many poisons due to his immortality. This was a slight problem...that his moon didn't trust him....but! The king was just happy his mate remembered little details like that. Even if it was well known that he was immortal, sure- but the Moonshine added 'most' to his sentence.

Which meant they remembered that he wasn't resilient to everything, just, most of things.

The mere thought made his heart flutter. His moon remembered!

"It's rude to stare ya know."

He was snapped out of his thoughts by his mate's voice. Oh his beautiful beautiful voice.

"Right- sorry.. ah, then what do you want me to do?"

The moonlight thought for a moment, but then stayed quiet.

Wukong (being his mate for thousands of years) knew what he was implying.

"You have to eat something."
He pushed, not liking how his Moonshine would rather not eat at all than eat food from him.

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