Chapter 2: Hangovers & Heartaches

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Calista's POV:

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes, the bright light of the sun beaming through my window. Everything hurts,my head, stomach and even my stupid heart. As I attempt to turn over, I felt like I had just been hit by a bus. And my head throbbed even more like it was used as a punching bag all night long. Damn Hangover.

Just as I was about to turn slowly this time, and try to block out the world, I heard the sound knocking.

I slowly sat up, feeling a wave of nausea wash over me. I groaned again and cradled my aching head as my mom knocked on my door again.

"Calista, are you awake? Ember is here to see you," she called.

I groaned and brought the covers up over my head. "Not now," I muttered, my throat feeling dry and scratchy.

I hear the sound of my bedroom door creaking and footsteps coming closer. I peaked from underneath my sheets and see my mom placing a glass of water and painkillers on my bedside table.

"Water and painkillers," my mom says. "Take them. I'll tell Ember to come back later. And Calista, we're gonna have to talk about this. If you're going to a party where alcohol is involved your dad and I–"

"–Fine, mom! Just... Not now," I interrupt her. The reminder of Ember makes everything worse. I realized it's not really the hangover that makes me sick, it's the reminder that I want to kiss her, and I'm not supposed to.

My mom sighs. "Alright," she says, then leaves the room.

This adds to the list of reasons why I disappoint my mom, and I can't handle that fact right now. I press my eyes closed tightly covering them with my hands, blocking out the sunlight. My life is a complete mess and I feel lost on how to fix it.

Eventually, I slowly pulled myself out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom, desperate to brush my teeth and make myself look somewhat presentable. As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't believe how horrible I looked.

I ran my toothbrush under the faucet and gingerly raised it to my mouth, dreading the taste of toothpaste. But as soon as the minty flavor hit my tongue, I felt a bit better. It was a small victory, but I needed all the victories I could get right now.

As I made my way back to my room, I heard my parents' voice coming from the kitchen. I took a deep breath and tried to ready myself for the conversation to come.

I find my parents dutifully eating lunch together during one of their day offs.

"Hey, Honey, How are you feeling?" Dad asked, his eyes glinting with amusement.

"It won't happen again." I mumble, sitting next to him and kissing his cheek.

"What won't happen again?" My dad asked, feigning confusion.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and played along. "I won't drink at a party without letting you know where I am. Again."

"Good." Dad nodded, ruffled my hair and went back to eating. I took a plate from my mom and got a small portion of lunch. "Hungover?" Dad asked just as I was about to eat my first bite.

I nodded and put my spoon down, "I thought it would be worse," I admit, resting my face in my hands, eyes drowsy, my heart still hurting. "I didn't actually drink that much," I wonder out loud, a lazy yawn escaping my lips. "I just had a bad day."

"Who was the boy Cal?"

"Oh god," I groan, realizing my mom saw us kissing. However chaste it may have been, I feel so, so ashamed. "That was Damian. That won't happen again either." And I have every intention of keeping those words because one, I don't really like him that way, and two, he doesn't deserve what I did to him yesterday, using him as a distraction.

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