Chapter 6: Rebuilding Bridges

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(A/N:) btw, Maverick is played by Mew Suppasit ✌️

Calista's POV:

There's a certain nostalgia attached to sitting on this uncomfortable rock sketching randomness while disentangling the mess of one's head. It's been a long time since I sat here watching the afternoon sun dance on the lake while the breeze pulled at my hair. It's been a really long time since I felt the need to.

This tranquility is incomparable.

Still, my mind is tumbling.

It certainly doesn't help that every new sketch I begin is of, well, Ember. The Ember I remember from eight years ago. The girl who broke my heart. The one who left for law school and met the nicest girl in the world. The one I stopped talking to because it hurt too much.

The one who's now back – after eight years – and wants to catch up with me.

And I don't know what to do.

I flip the sketch book shut and placed it next to me. With a sigh I bury my face in my hands.

There are footsteps somewhere behind me, footsteps that suddenly stop. I look over my shoulder to find a wide-eyed Ember frozen in time. An Ember who looks just like I remember, except her cheekbones and jawbone are more prominent. This is lazy Sunday Ember with loose jeans, and a thin hoodie, her hair pulled back into a messy ponytail.

"Calista," she breathes. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here. I'll, uh... I'll go. I'm sorry." She takes a step back before turning around.

"Wait!" I call out.

Because Ember left me once already, and back then I couldn't do anything about it, but I can now.

"It's okay, I won't impose," she says, looking back at me with apologetic eyes.

"Stay," I say, and when Ember doesn't move, I shift to make room for her on the rock.

"Okay." She walks tentatively back to me and slides onto the rock.

Our shoulders touch, and I try my best not to think about what happened the last time we sat like this. I try not to reminisce kissing my best friend, and I try to forget her rejection.

Silence is uncomfortable.

"You broke my heart," I then whisper.

"I know," she whispers back. "I lost my best friend."

"I want my friend back," I say. The way it hurts to say out loud, assures me that I really mean it.

"I'd like that too."


"Cool," Ember copies, allowing a soft smile onto her lips. She sends me a sideways glance, I felt it, but I keep my own eyes glued to the waterfront.

"Why did you come back, Ember?"

"I'm a tired Cheetah," she says, and I can't believe she remembers. "This town is my home, it just took me a long time to realize."

"Okay," I say, barely a whisper.

"I'm not leaving this time."



Looking at her, I give her a smile that only tugs at one corner of my mouth. It doesn't reach my eyes, but it makes Ember smile back nonetheless.

"I'll text you, alright? When I'm ready," I say, sliding off the rock.

"Of course," Ember says, when I'm already ten feet away.

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