[ Scene 3 ]

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Mr. Lee: What did you just say?

Jaemin: I said I wanted to call off the engagement between me and Jina.

Mr. Lee: Stop being ridiculous, son.

Jaemin: I'm not being ridiculous, the engagement is what's ridiculous, Appa.

Mr. Lee: I've been turning a blind eye to whatever that's been happening between you and that girl, but cancelling the engagement for her is crossing the line! Pull yourself together, Lee Jaemin. Jina is the one who would bring benefit to your business.

Jaemin: Appa, marriage shouldn't be a tool of business I want to marry someone I love.

Mr. Lee: Son, love won't get you anywhere.

Jaemin: No, you're wrong, Appa. Loving someone and being loved by someone is the most life-changing experience I've ever had. The power that love holds is beyond measure.

Mr. Lee: How can I pass the company on to you if you're making life decisions based entirely on your emotions.

Jaemin: Do whatever you want with the company. Nothing will change my decision - I won't marry Jina.


"You look stressed." Jiwoong found his girlfriend spacing out outside of the film set.

"I have to slap our princess on the face later, of course I'm stressed." Aera had to film another scene with Gaeun.

"Technically you shouldn't have to slap her, it's supposed to be a fake slap."

"That's the point - I have zero experience in staged slaps."

"Does that mean you'll feel more confident if you were gonna give her an actual slap?" Jiwoong tried to ease Aera's tension.

"Unfortunately, I have no experience in that either." She let our a small chuckle

"Do you want to practise with me first?"

"Should I? I can't promise that my palm won't land hard on your face though."

Their flirtation was again interrupted by the PA.

"Aera-nim, let's do a run-through of your scene with Gaeun-nim."

"Okay, I'll be there in a second. Thank you."


After a few takes, the director was still not too satisfied with Aera and Gaeun's performance.

"Aera, you have to be swift when you slap, or else it'll look obvious that it's fake. Gaeun, please try and coordinate your movement with Aera's motion. Let's try again."

"Ugh, Aera-ssi, it's really not that difficult. Can we please speed things up?" Gaeun whimpered as if it was only Aera's fault.

They rehearsed another few times and Aera seemed to have gotten a hang of it.

"Okay, let's do a real take. Roll the cameras!" The director ordered.

"Aera, you're still being too careful. Don't think too much and just do it."The director still wasn't too pleased with the take. "Let's try again. Ready! 3! 2! 1! Action!"

Jina (Aera): I don't care if Jaemin keeps seeing you, but please stop him from calling off our engagement. If not, his dad will remove him from his current position, and all the blood, sweat, and tears he has poured into the company would go in vain. He needs someone who can be of help to his business, and that'll be me, not you.

Sohee (Gaeun): I used to think the same way, but we're both wrong. Jaemin needs someone who can give him happiness and love, and that's something you can't give.

According to the script, Jina was supposed to slap Sohee right on the face at this point. Two loud slaps were heard simultaneously. One was the external sound made by the crew to create the sound effect needed for the slap, while the other one was the sound made by a firm slap on Gaeun's face.

"YA! ARE YOU CRAZY?" Gaeun covered her left cheek with her left hand and glared at Aera.

"I'm so sorry." Aera's eyes widened in fear. She tried to let loose as instructed by the director, but failed to control her speed and strength, and ended up giving Gaeun an actual slap.

"Bitch, you did it on purpose, didn't you?" Gaeun couldn't care less about her image at this point.

" No, it was an accident. I'm really really sorry." Aera kept bowing and apologising.

"Gaeun, are you okay?" The director intervened. "We'll get you an ice pack. Let's take a 15 minute break."

Gaeun then stormed off in rage. Aera felt like she needed to give Gaeun a further proper apology, so she went to find Gaeun in her waiting room after giving her some time to calm down.

"Gaeun-ssi, are you okay?"

"Why are you here?" Gaeun replied with hostility.

"I wanted to apologise again. It wasn't intentional, but I did still hurt you. I'm very sorry."

"You're sorry? Then take a slap from me!" Gaeun sprung from her seat and raised her arm at Aera.

But before her palm slapped on Aera's face, someone caught her wrist causing her hand to stop in midair. The fuming Gaeun turned her head to look at the culprit, who stood in front of Aera in a protective manner.

"Jiwoong oppa.... What are you doing?"

"I should be asking you that question. What are you trying to do?"

"She slapped me on my face. I'm just trying to get even with her."

"Aera has made it clear that it wasn't intentional, and has apologised for her mistake."

"Her apology did not make me feel better in the slightest."

Aera tapped on Jiwoong's arm, asking him to let go of Gaeun.

"Just slap me, if that would make you feel better." Aera moved so that she was standing in front of Jiwoong now.


"It's okay. Stay out of this."

"Bitch, now you're trying to make me feel like a bad person huh?"

"Watch your language please." Jiwoong warned Gaeun in a serious tone.

Gaeun looked at Jiwoong then at Aera, and she seemed to have figured out something.

"You two... Don't tell me..."

"We're dating." Jiwoong held up Aera's hand. "That's why, don't you even dare hurt her."

"Jiwoong-ah, let me handle this myself."

"I hope you have thought this through before acting up like this. My father has the ability to destroy both of your careers in a snap of a finger." Gaeun sneered.

"Do whatever you like. Just a friendly reminder though, before you ask your dad to do anything stupid, maybe also ask him to check my relationship with reporter Park Junho." Jiwoong wasn't afraid in the slightest. He then pulled Aera out of Gaeun's waiting room.

"That was too impulsive, Jiwoong-ah. I don't want to ruin your career. We all know how influential her dad is."

"How can I call myself a man if I can't even protect the girl I love when she's being mistreated. You can't expect me to just stand aside and do nothing in that situation. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

Aera was still worried, but Jiwoong's determined look soothed her anxiety like magic. 

"And by the way, who's Park Junho?"

"He's someone who'll be on our side. I'll introduce you to him later. Aera, I'm gonna need to ask you to fully believe in me from now on, okay? Just follow my lead and let me protect you."

"I trust you no matter what."

Jiwoong then pulled Aera into his arms and landed a kiss on her forehead.

"Ya, we're still outside."

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