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Air-chans POV…

It was an average day in ANHS.

The sun was rising, students were sleeping, birds were chirping.

All in all, just a normal day.

《System transferring target, system failed, retrying at later date.》

Until at some point an average 3rd year student by the name Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

Vanished, not to a new world but to a new place.

Kiyotaka quickly shot up and analyzed his surroundings.

'Where am I? This doesn't look like a place in ANHS so where could I be?' He thought as he looked around.

'Hmm, I'm in a park, but why? last I checked I was asleep in my dorm, then how did I end up here? you can think about this later Kiyotaka, for now I should figure out where I am, if I can find a sign I can locate where I am.' Kiyotaka thought as he began walking around.

After a while of walking around he found one.

"Authorized personnel only." was written on the sign.

'There we go, the sign is in Japanese so I'm still in Japan, but where?' Kiyotaka began thinking about where he could be.

As Kiyotaka was thinking, a man walked up to him.

Kiyotaka noticed the man but didn't sense any harmful intent so he ignored him.

"Excuse me young man, everything is alright." The man asked.

'hmm, he's a middle aged man with black eyes, and black hair.' Kiyotaka thought.

"Ah um, excuse me but can you tell me where I am." Kiyotaka asked.

"Oh are you lost, where are your parents?" The man asked.

"I do not have parents." Kiyotaka said bluntly.

"Oh my, I am so sorry." The man quickly apologized.

"It's alright, but can you tell me where I am?" Kiyotaka asked again.

"Oh, you're at Hamachō park." The man replied.

'Hamachō park, that's located in Tokyo, good at least I know that I didn't leave tokyo.' Kiyotaka thought.

"Young man, do you have any relatives that we can take you too." The man asked.

"As far as I know I do not have any relatives." Kiyotaka replied.

"Then what's your name? I'm sure that if we talk to the cops we can use your name to find some of your relatives." The man said.

"My name is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka." Kiyotaka answered.

"All right, then follow me, we're going to head to the nearest police station." The man said.

"Why should I? We met only a couple minutes ago, I have no reason to trust what you say." Kiyotaka said.

"Haha I guess you're right, but I'm getting old, even if I wanted to, this old body of mine couldn't do anything." The man said.

"I guess that's true, fine then let's go." Kiyotaka said.

Kiyotaka decided to follow the man, but didn't let his guard drop, even though the man was old Kiyotaka knew better than to decide something based on the person's age.

"Great, a police station should be nearby." The man said.

The man began walking in a certain direction as Kiyotaka followed behind.

"I told you my name, but what's yours?" Kiyotaka asked.

"Ah how rude of me, where are my manners? My name is Motoaki Tanigo, but you can call me YAGOO.' The man now known as YAGOO said.

Kiyotaka decided to stay quiet and just nodded his head.

After a short while they made it to a police station.

"Heh good to know my memory isn't failing me just yet." YAGOO joked.

Kiyotaka and YAGOO walked inside the police station.

"Hm, do you two gentlemen need something?" The police officer behind a desk asked.

"Oh yes, you see we're looking for this boy's relatives." YAGOO explained.

"Ah he's lost, tell me what's your name I can look at our database to see if I can find anything." The officer said.

"My name's Ayanokoji Kiyotaka." Kiyotaka replied.

The officer began typing at their computer to find anything.

"Well this is quite a predicament." The officer said.

"What's wrong?" YAGOO asked.

"We have no files on his family or him, boy I'm sorry to say, but I'm gonna need to see some ID." The officer said.

"Of course." Kiyotaka said as grabbed his ID out of his pocket and handed it over.

The officer began checking it to make sure that it was real.

"Seems real enough, but I'm still gonna have to make sure it's 100%, I'm sorry to say but we're gonna have to keep you here." The officer exclaimed.

"Ah wait, Ayanokoji can stay with me for now." YAGOO said.

"You sure, from the looks of it you met the kid not that long ago." The officer said.

"Of course, I mean it was due to my decision that we came here." YAGOO said with a kind smile.

'hmm YAGOO huh, he reminds me of Matsuo.' Kiyotaka thought.

"Then boy do you feel comfortable staying with YAGOO-san for now." The officer asked.

"Yes, I feel comfortable staying with him." Kiyotaka replied.

"Alright, then come back in two days, the process should be done by then." The officer said.

"Alright." Kiyotaka said.

"Thank you very much." YAGOO said.

"No problem just doing my job." The officer said.

Kiyotaka and YAGOO began walking out of the police station.

Once they were out YAGOO began talking to Kiyotaka.

"Alright, Ayanokoji are you ready to go to your new home?" YAGOO asked.

Kiyotaka merely nodded.

"Then follow me." YAGOO said as he began walking away.

Kiyotaka followed behind.

'This situation could be troublesome, now that I am no longer in ANHS the white room could get me at any time.' Kiyotaka thought.

'But that's a problem for another time.' Kiyotaka continued.


Word count: 936

This isn't my best chap, but atleast it isn't my worse.

See ya in a year.

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