Chap 7

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Chap 7
A Families Bond


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Air-chans POV…

As of now Akuma was spectating his parents as they all ate.

Akuma would take quick glances at his parents, then the door, and finally his food.

Azazel quickly took notice of that.

"Akuma, don't you even think of running off again." Azazel said with strictness in her voice.

Akuma merely stayed quiet as he looked at his mother, then the door.

"Akuma, don't, you, dare." Azazel said, her voice much more strict than before.

But Akuma paid no heed to her strictness as he bolted to the door then.

Before Azazel could react Akuma was already outside the house.

Azazel bolted up to chase him.

"AKUMA YOU LITTLE-" before Azazel could finish her sentence Raphael put his hand on her shoulder.

"It's alright, he always has been such a curious child, just let him wander around, he always comes back anyways." Raphael said with a kind smile.

"You way to calm about this, but fine whatever you say." Azazel said as she sat down, obvious annoyance on her face.

"It's alright, I trust Akuma to not do anything stupid, it's not in his nature." Raphael said, assuring his wife.

"I know that it's just…" Azazel said, her voice quieting.

"It's just?" Raphael said curiosity in his tone.

"It's just hard to trust him, I know he's our son and all but he gives me this ominous feeling whenever he looks towards us, and the way he never shows any emotion, it's just so damn creepy." Azazel said, shaking her head to get rid of her thoughts about Akuma.

Raphael looked towards his wife, his smile never leaving his face.

"I know what you mean, but that's just the way he is, he may be a strange kid, but he's our strange kid, so no matter how he looks at us, or how little emotion he shows, we'll still love him." Raphael said, patting his wife's back.

"Yeah… yeah you're right, I'm just being silly." Azazel said.

And with that they continued eating.

"Y'know what I have an idea." Raphael said.

With Akuma…

Akuma was doing the thing he's always done ever since he first gained the ability to walk, he was just wandering.

He didn't have any specific goal in mind, he just wanted to look around and admire the beauty of this world.

And that's all he ever did, besides training all Akuma did was just wander.

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