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Being on the run wasn't something Peter ever thought. A special agent on the run, lost somewhere on Earth, being the novice of one of the men he tried to stop multiple times.
He still couldn't believe that.
He still couldn't believe where his strange obsession led him.

A cough echoed, straightening him up. How could he be there, watching Jigsaw draw ?
''Lost in your thoughts again, Peter ?"
John looked at him over his shoulder, still coughing lightly.
Strahm crossed his arms, shifting his position on the arm chair.
John turned his face to his drawings once again, wiping away charcoal dust.
''Don't be, paying attention is not easy for everybody.''
The younger man's eyebrows fell on his eyes. He sighed, watching John's skilled hands.

John Kramer was a complicated man and ,dare he say, a very interesting human being.
He was complex and clever, but also gentle and approachable.
And, to be very transparent, one thing that really startled Peter (besides all the demonic stuff they're doing) was how delicate and loving he was with Mark.
And how Mark answered.
He followed John's hands with his eyes. Amazed by his talent.
He was angry with himself to be so amazed by someone like John Kramer.

The hand moved slowly.
He did, moving on the chair to sit next to John.
The older man watched him, at first, Peter moved a little to try and avoid the piercing look.
To be honest, Peter sometimes feared Kramer, his looks, his posture towards the other apprentices.
''Are you affraid, Peter ?"
Strahm watched him turn on his chair to face him.
''Do you fear me, Peter ?"
He clarified.

John Kramer wasn't scary, that was not the word that came to Peter's mind when he thought about him.
John Kramer was imposing, impressive, almost... Majestic.
''No, i'm not affraid of you.''
He finally spoke.
A thin smile appeared on Kramer's lips as he turned once again his face to his drawings.
''Do you fear Mark then ?"
The smile stayed unchanged.

John's hands worked on the large drawing paper before him.
''Do you fear your feelings for Mark then ?"
Strahm shifted positions again, crossing his legs.
''I do not fear anyone, and anything.''
John laughed a little, shading his drawing with skilled fingers. It all seemed too easy.
''Of course you don't, Peter. Of course.''
Strahm sighed, looking directly at John.
''I know what you feel. Who could not find Mark attractive ?"
He let go of the charcoal, wiping his hands on a tissue.
''Handsome would i say.''

This conversation was highly embarrassing for Peter, and if he could, he would run away from it.
But he looked stuck to his chair.
Slowly, he cleared his throat.
''I'm not one to talk about these... Things.''
Another little laugh joined the first one.
''of course.''
Again, Kramer layed his eyes on Strahm's face.
''But Mark needs a special treatment. Physically, mentally, emotionally...''
Peter's eyebrows frowned, truly lost.

''I'm sure you two will talk to each other one day. And then you will understand by words, if you can't look at him properly.''
John stood.
''i can understand by looking. Thank you.''
John's smile grew wider.
Slowly, he bent his back to face Peter.
''Oh, no, Peter. You can't.''
''You have to learn many, many things.''
Ouch !
''Now, let's go. Everybody's waiting for us.''

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