Comfort and conviviality.

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Mark was sat on a chair, a towel covering his shoulders and his legs crossed on an other chair.
Adam was brushing his hair back with a comb, pulling gently on it with his other hand.
''The usual ? Or do you want something else ?"
Adam was the crew's official hairdresser for months now and Mark trusted him enough to care of him.
''Shorter on the sides and the nape but longer on the front. Somewhere in the middle of my ears.''
Peter liked it to get stuck on his forehead, Mark thought.
Adam nodded, but didn't do anything.
Mark turned his face to look at him.
''what ?"
The younger smirked.
''No magic word ?"
It was at these exact moments that Adam really pissed off Mark.
''Please.'' he groaned, still looking Adam in the eyes.
''That's adorable'' Adam mused, booping Mark's nose with a playfull finger.
Mark turned half his body on the chair, grabbing the younger's wrist hardly.
Adam frowned at the sudden pain.

''I already told you to NOT do that, you piece of shit-"
Adam tried to back off.
Failed, and attacked showing his other hand to Mark.
''Don't forget i have scissors, Markie.''
He let go of Peter, turning his back on him again.
Mark grumbled, scratching his arm hardly.
''No nicknames either.''
The comb made his way through his hair once again.
''awww'' Peter said, truly sad about Mark's answer.
He heard the scissors begin to work around his skull.

Mark had long hair for years during his teenagehood. His hair sat on his neck and he could easily tie half of it back in a bun.
Angelica sometimes played with it, trying to braid it, and they laughed.
Then,he cut his hair really short when he entered Police academy.
Angelica told him he looked like a soldier, and rubbed his head, both of them laughing.
Mark let his hair grow back to have it down his temples when he was gratuated, so his graduation picture looked cool.
Angelica cried during the ceremony, and hung a picture of him in her new flat.
Then, when he hugged his sister's body one last time, his hair was down the middle of his ears.
But they were blood stained, and he knew he wouldn't hear Angelica's laugh never again.

''Shorter ?"
Adam said, giving Mark a tiny mirror.
The length was good, little less than the middle of his ears.
He could put it behind his ears when he struggled with his sensory issues.
''No, that's great like that.''
Adam nodded and went back behind his head to cut.
Peter entered the room, beers in hands.
''oh ! Pretty !"
He handed a beer to Mark and tickled the little strand of hair on Mark's left ear.
Adam made a fangirl like sound, quickly shut by Mark's hand trying to hit him directly in the chin.
''If you keep moving like a ferret, you'll have a hole in your hair.''
Peter said, his fingers pinching Mark's shoulder playfully.

''You're too nice with him, Pete. He's a pain in the ass sometimes.''
Again, the hand tried to hit Adam, who moved quickly to avoid being hit.
''Stop moving, Markie !"
Mark groaned and took a sip off his beer.
''Markie ? That's so cute, you two really are close friends...''
Peter said with a smirk, rubbing Mark's cheek with the back of his fingers.
Mark threw his hand in Peter's to back off.
''Don't do that. And, we're NOT close.''
Peter and Adam laughed, finding real pleasure to bully the strongest bully of the all crew. Well, the second one, the real strongest bully strangely being Larry.
Adam patted Mark's head.
''You're my bestfriend, Markie, behind Larry, Peter, Amanda and John.''
The man surronding him laughed again.
Mark was growing impatient and angry.

''Are you finished already ?! Fucking slow with just a haircut !"
He nearly screamed, building slowly one of his famous crisis.
''Nearly done, baby, stay still.''
Peter attacked showing his teeth.
Mark murdered him with his cold blue eyes, shifting on his seat to grab Peter's shirt angrily.
''Don't- Call me that, asshole !"
Again, they laughed at him.
It wasn't meant to be mean, but it was really relaxing to annoy Mark sometimes.
Him and Peter had this relation before they truly fell in love, and they both loved it.
''It's okay, baby, i'm not bothering you anymore.'' Peter smiled as Mark pushed him. ''I'm letting you relax with Ad.''
He smile, bending his back to peck on Mark's cheek.

''Aww, a nickname for me, Pete ? That's sooooo cute.''
Adam giggled, putting his scissors away and accepting the beer Peter gave him.
''Alright, Big boy, i'm all done ! Now go, because i'm scared of you.''
Mark nearly ran out the room, too angry to do anything else.

John was sat on a chair outside, drawing peacefully.
He raised his face to take a proper look at Mark and smiled.
Mark walked through him, sitting in front of his master.
''You look good, can i touch your hair ?"
Mark nodded, finding comfort in John's soft voice.
John rubbed his head, softly combing the hair in place. Before he could even notice, Mark put his own face on John's knee, snuggling on it.
It wasn't the first time Mark did that, but it always worried John. So he ran his hand in the dark hair again and went through the hot cheek that wasn't on his knee.
''Rough time cutting your hair again ?"
Mark nodded against the leg, closing his eyes.
''It's always rough, Mark, i know.''
Mark opened his eyes to look at John's moving hand on his face.

The delicate fingers traced the length of his nose, the contour of his lips, the round way around his cheekbone.
''Thank you, Master...''
He murmured.
John knew what was behind Mark's hair, he was the only one Mark could confess it with.
He simply understood, not asking dumb questions or mocking him.
Mark was not angry because Peter and Adam played with his hair, he was angry that he couldn't move much because Adam was cutting his hair.
It may sound stupid for most people, but Mark was feeling that hard.
And John simply understood.
So, it was comforting.
''Alright, Peter's waiting for you now.''
John said, pointing Mark's back.

Mark turned his face to see Peter, standing by the door frame.
Peter wasn't jealous of John anymore but he still had a look on his face, watching how Mark authorized himself to be so fragile with their Master.
Mark stood after John rubbed his shoulder softly.
Then, he went to Peter's offering arms.
''Did i hurt you ?"
Mark wasn't moving, totally still in Peter's embrace. His arms against his own hips.
''No, i just needed John's consolation.''
Peter nodded, kissing delicately Mark's temples.

They stayed here for a moment.
''My sister would've loved you.''
Mark said.
And Peter nearly cried because it was the most beautiful thing Mark could tell him.

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