The Day It All Came Forth

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I wake up that day to a mean headache that I knew wouldn't leave me alone until the end of the day. But, I get up anyway and change into a nice pair of khaki slacks and a black button up shirt and a pair of black shoes. I didn't even bother to tuck in my shirt as I walk out of the house with a mandarin in hand... I always hated oranges for a reason I never knew. But, I peeled into my mandarin and started to eat each slice as I walked down the sidewalk to Stark's office.

I finally made my way into the Stark Office and walk down to the stairs to where the Capsule exeriment was. Howard met me with a smile at the end of the stairs and put me up to speed about the machine.

Stark: And Steve told me about what you told him. He said to me that he wouldn't do it. At least not now. Sooo...?

Ekho: Fine. I'll do it since he won't. But, like I said. If it goes wrong, that's your ass.

Stark smiles at me and slaps my back as he leads me to the capsule.

Stark: I bet I can finish this thing before you can.

Ekho: I'll beat you before you can even say Tennessee.

Without another word, we get to work on the capsule and within hours we're done with it and I'm being led into it in just my undershirt and slacks. They settle me into the capsule and metal bands clamp surround my arms and blue liquid starts filling my veins with whatever it contains. I felt a slight pinch but that was about it. Then, Stark walks up to me to make sure I'm alright.

Stark: You ready, kid?

Ekho: Ready as I'll ever be.

The doors then close around me and I'm enclosed in semi darkness. Luckily, the small window right in front of me lets me see the outside world, it helps to calm my nerves and lessens the chances of me chickening out. But, then I think of all the possible side effects and start counting down the seconds of my anxiety possibly kicking in, as a bright light surround me. But, by the time I got to one, the doors were already opening and people were staring at me in amazement.

Stark: It worked.

Ekho: It did?

I look down at myself and see the my arms are larger than they were seconds ago and my legs felt stronger. I hadn't felt anything while I was in the capsule, thanks to the adrenaline and my nerves.

Stark: How do you feel?

Ekho: At first I didn't feel any pain, but now I feel completely different.

Stark walks up to me and leads me out of the capsule and hands me my shirt back. I put it on as he continues to contemplate in amazement.

Stark: It actually worked. I didn't think it would work.

Ekho: Well, you better believe it Stark, cause I'm living proof that it worked.

We both laugh as everyone starts to surround me in excitement and suprise.

Ekho: Hey, I'm glad it worked, but I better go check up on the boys.

Stark: Are you sure you should be out at a time like this?

Ekho: I don't know. But I don't feel like sitting here while people poke and prod at my body. Doesn't make me feel the most comfortable. So, I'll see you later, yeah?

I put my shirt on and was about to walk off when I see the pained expression on Stark's face.

Ekho: Howard. I can't stay here. If you're really concerned about me then you can see me back home, okay? I'll be fine. I promise.

I give him a small hug and smile at him before I pat his shoulder and make my way for the stairs and then the door. I walk down the streets of New York, looking around at the busy streets, but also keeping an eye on the people who keep giving me suspicious glances, like they hated me, as if I actually did something to them. So, I just smile at each and every one of them, trying to keep a pleasant face. I start to quicken my pace, since I felt uncomfortable about the whole thing and made it to Stevie's house within minutes. I knock on the door and I hear someone from the inside yell, 'Come in!'

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