Prologue & Chapter 1

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"Mommy, why does everyone have strings between them?" Jimin asked as he looked at the string that was attached to his mother's chest extending from where her heart was to his own heart. He played with the thin, yet durable, maroon string. Jimin's mother watched Jimin curiously, wondering what Jimin could mean and why his hands looked like they were playing with something in the air. 

"What do you mean sweetie?" She questioned him softly as she leaned down to pick up her five-year-old son and held him in her arms. Jimin smiled at her sweetly and pointed to the string that only he could see.

"Why do you have a string going from your heart to mine?" Jimin motioned to the string he was playing with. But of course, his mother couldn't see the string and as such had no idea what Jimin was talking about.

"I don't see any string Jimin. Are you feeling alright?" Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at her son, a bit concerned.

"Mommy can't see the string? It's right here Mommy, look!" Jimin grabbed his mother's hand and brought it to the string only to gasp in surprise when her hand passed right through it. He looked at her hand in disbelief and then stared at her wide-eyed.

"Mommy can't feel it either?" He asked, his voice displaying his confusion. 

"Jimin-ah are you feeling sick?" His mother brought her hand up to check his temperature. Jimin shook his head and began to kick his legs to be let down; so his mother set him back on the ground. Jimin continued to look at the string connecting him to his mom with furrowed eyebrows, confused by it.

"If Mommy can't see the string...then only I can?" Jimin whispered to himself as he grabbed the string yet again tugging on it lightly, a puzzled frown forming on his face. Jimin's mother watched him with worried eyes and when Jimin looked up to see the worry on her face, he suddenly smiled at her, deciding that he really was the only one who could see the string.

"I'm okay, Mommy! I was just playing a trick!" Jimin ran off to play in the living room and forgot about the strings that he saw. 

Chapter 1

"Jimin! Jihyun! It's time to get up or you'll be late for school!" Jimin heard his mother calling from downstairs. Groaning, the brown-haired boy rolled around in his bed for a few seconds before opening his eyes and staring at the ceiling. His groggy mind was slowly awakening as he felt the early rays of the sun peeking in from behind the curtain on his window and landing on his bed. Still, he lay there not wanting to get up, thinking about how unfair it was that school started so early. However, once he heard his mother's voice calling him and his brother again, he finally got up.

"I'm up Mom! I'm getting ready!" Jimin yelled so she would be able to hear him through the closed door. 

"Good. Jihyun! Are you up yet?" Mrs. Park called out to her other son who still hadn't responded.

Jimin waited a moment but there was still not a peep out of his little brother. He knew his mother was going to have to take more drastic measures to wake up his brother. And on any other day he'd join in on the chaos that came with trying to wake up Jihyun, but this morning he just felt exhausted. Probably because he'd stayed up much too late yesterday, (more precisely this morning) working last minute on his essay over the book they'd been reading in class. 

With one last frustrated sigh, the teenager headed to the bathroom and began his morning routine. Once he had taken care of his business he hurried into his room to pick out an outfit for school. As he began changing, he glanced at the clock on his bedside table and upon realizing the time, began to hurry up. He wasn't necessarily late yet but he was bordering on it. 

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