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After Andy's hangout me and stacy got tired so we called our parents to pick us up.

"Ok I'll see you later stace! Call me when you get home" I said as I saw my moms car pulling up

"Okay bye goodnight Mads!"


When I got home I went upstairs and took a shower and changed into some sweats and a tee

I got sat on my bed while grabbing my book from the side as I started reading,

I who played a game,
fake dated a guy, but never explained.
Now i feels bad, my heart's in a bind,
I want to tell him, and ease my troubled mind.

Honesty is key, it's never too late,
To open up, and reveal my true state.
I should speak my truth, let my feelings be heard,
And hope that he understands, with a caring word.

Communication is vital, in matters of the heart,
So i should gather my courage, and make a fresh start.
Apologize sincerely, for the secret I kept,
And hope that forgiveness, is what I'll be met.

Remember, honesty and understanding go far,
In building a relationship, that's true and bizarre.
So be brave, my friend, and speak your truth,
And may it lead to a stronger bond, with no more uncouth.

I closed the book as I stared at my wall, thinking...

What if I'm the person in the book and he is Andy, is it too late too tell Andy? That I wanted to kiss him only because Lydia and walker were watching? Maybe I should tell him, but what if he doesn't understand and tells the whole school!? Then I'll be humiliated, Gosh you are so stupid maddy!! Just tell him the truth!

I got quickly got out of my thoughts and Walked out my room rushing

"Honey where are you going?" My mom asked looking at me about to go outside

"The store to get something real quick, byeeee" I said quickly not giving her a chance to say anything else.

I got on my bike and started biking my way to Andy's house

Please don't be sleeping
Please don't be sleeping
Please don't be sleeping
Please don't be sleeping

When I saw Andy's house up a head I threw my bike to the ground and started running up to the door and seeing that his parents car is not in the drive way which meant there not home

I knocked on the wooden door out of breath

No answer

I knocked on the door again

"Please be home" I mumbled still kind of out of Breath

I went to go knock again but the door opened right away


I looked up to see Andy looking at me confused

"Hey Andy..., I really need to talk to you" I said getting my breath back to normal

"Ok" Andy said while closing the door behind him and standing infront of me

"Listen I'm really really sorry the only reason I kissed you was because Lydia and walker were watching.. and it kind of made me mad and some what jealous seeing them kiss and hug right after me and walker broke up, and I know I'm such a bad person for doing this and you probably don't ever want to talk to me again, I get it" I said gabbling

"So you kissed me because you wanted walker and Lydia to get jealous?" Andy said with a chuckle

I nodded, why is he so calm about this!?

"And you want to get walker and Lydia back for dating right after you and walker broke up?"

"I understand" Andy said finishing his sentence

"Why are you so calm about this?" I asked looking at him confused

"Because I saw you looking at walker and Lydia right after you agreed to kiss me so I knew something was up and I understand it was pretty messed up for your friend to go off and date your ex boyfriend right after you guys broke up" Andy said giving me a smile letting me know he doesn't hate me

A small smile creeped up on my face

"And I'll help you.. you know get back at Lydia and walker" Andy said nodding his head slowly

"So you'll fake date me to get back at them?!" I smiled

He nodded while chuckling,

Without thinking I gave him a hug which he gladly accepted

"Thank you for understanding" I said quietly still hugging him

I let go and we both said good night and ran to my bike and biked back home

It feels so good now that Andy finally now's the truth and is committing to help me.


Andy finally knows the truth! 🥳🥳

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