Red dress

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Today Kym has invited everyone from school to this party at her place

So right now me,Stacy and Lydia are getting ready in my room

"Look at us!" Stacy said dancing around

Stacy is wearing a light yellow dress, Lydia is wearing a pink dress and I am wearing a red dress

"Ok you guys ready to go?" I asked while grabbing my phone and checking the time



Me, Stacy and Lydia walked into kyms house

And it was packed!

There was teenagers drinking,dancing,singing


We all walked around trying to find people we know

"Hey look there's meteo" I said while elbowing Stacy

"Hey meteo" Stacy said as the 3 of us walked over to him

"Hey Stacy, oh hey maddy and Lydia" meteo said smiling while waving

Then Stacy and meteo started talking, leaving me and Lydia alone

"Hey lyd" walker said coming up behind us

"Oh and hey M"

I just nodded and walked away

I walked over towards one of Andy's friends

"Hey Luke! Have you seen Andy?" I asked

"Oh hey Mads and yeah he's over there by the drinks" Luke said pointing where Andy was

I said thanks and walked over to where Andy was

"Hey Andy!" I said smiling

"Hey Mads" Andy said Seeing me

"Did you come here alone?"

"Oh no I came here with Lydia and Stacy"

"Oh aight well it seems like you and Lydia are in good terms now" Andy said drinking out of his cup

"Uh yeah I mean she apologized" I said while shrugging

"That's what's up!"


It has been a couple of hours since we got here and I am ready to go home

I walked over to Stacy

"Hey Stacy you ready to leave?"

"Yeah I was just about to ask you that too"

"Ok come on let's go find Lydia" I said while walking away with Stacy following behind

When we found Lydia we headed back home

While on the way back home we were listening to music and singing

"Hey did you guys hear Andy hates the color red" Lydia said out of no where

"Uhm okay?"

"Hey it's kind of crazy...hey did Andy say anything about what your wearing?" Lydia said

"Uhm no?"

"Oh well I think because your wearing red" Lydia said laughing

What is so funny about this? I really don't care if Andy doesn't like red

"Uhm okay?"

"Well don't you think it's kind of weird that your own boyfriend don't like the color red and your wearing the color red?" Lydia said shrugging her shoulders while chuckling

"No? It's his choice to not like the color red and it's also my choice to wear the color red... oh! And may I add on? It's also my choice to kick you out of this car right now"

"Ok ok I'm sorry I was just saying" Lydia said leaning against the backseat window

She's really getting on my nerves


Sorry I haven't update 😣🙏
You can blame it on my school 🥰💁‍♀️‼️

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