The Confession

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It was 11:16 AM and Tyler was in the Living Room watching his favorite show, "KC Undercover" he loved that show so much, it made him laugh and bubbly inside, he was in his headspace while Josh was gone running errands. Tyler was a closeted Little, and he kept it a secret from Josh, he was afraid of Josh finding out due to a past relationship, he knew Josh would never hurt him though, but he was still afraid. He had lost track of time, when he's in a younger mindset he doesn't pay attention too much. This mistake would be his best and life changing mistake.

As he was watching TV, He looked up at the Clock, and It was 2:30. Tyler froze, knowing his boyfriend would arrive soon. He snapped out of it and quickly changed the channel and ran upstairs to change out of his Onesie, he chucked it into the back of the closet, he changed into some Boxers and a T-shirt.

Tyler made his way back downstairs just in time. Josh walked into the house, seeing Tyler at the point of passing out. Josh dropped the bags he was carrying causing a loud thud, he ran to him to see what was wrong with his boyfriend, "Baby, what's wrong?!" Josh asked in a worried tone.

Tyler couldn't look or even speak to Josh, he begins to cry softly thinking about how Josh would react if he found out his secret, he ran off upstairs and hid in their bedroom. Josh was extremely confused by this reaction from Tyler.

Josh went after him going into their bedroom to look for him, "Please baby come out, come talk to me" Josh wanted to know why his love was so upset. He looked around some more and then heard a whimper come from under the bed, he looked under the bed and saw a teary-eyed Tyler "Aw baby, come from under there, talk to me" Josh said in a soft tone. 

Tyler sniffled and crawled from under the bed, he pressed his back into the bed and hugged his knees. "Baby please..."  Josh pleaded. 

Tyler had finally calmed down enough to speak, "I-I have something to tell you... I'm an Age Regressor...a Little in other words, and I know you probably don't know what it is...but~". Josh stopped him and looked at him, "I don't know what it is, but I am willing to learn, but tell me first why you're so upset". Josh pulled Tyler into a tight, loving hug. 

Tyler went on to explain how 3 years ago, a year before they got together, he was in a relationship with a former YouTuber/musician. . . The terrible Austin Jones "Oh no" Josh said, this broke him before Tyler got to finish, but he let him continue.

Tyler continued to say they were doing just fine for a year, that's when he began to become comfortable enough to regress around Austin, and he didn't like this. He said how Austin told him that he didn't care, but too not do it around him or bad things would happen because it was "weird".

Tyler's eyes filled with tears, having to relive those memories were painful, but this is something he needs to do. He explained that one day when Austin wasn't home, he had regressed so deeply that he had forgotten what time Austin was getting home, the moment Austin "caught" him, he grabbed Tyler by the neck and slammed him into the wall "What did I tell you about this shit?" Tyler quoted, he continued by saying Austin proceeded to drop him and threw away almost every piece of little gear he had. He continued, saying he went through this abuse by Austin, for 2 more years until his friends started noticing the bruises on his skin. That's when he decided to leave Austin, but before he could on his own, Austin had gotten arrested for some things that were too graphic to mention.

Josh was visibly upset, but not at Tyler, but at that evil man who had done his boyfriend so wrong.

"You can stop baby, so that's why you didn't want me to find out...look I understand, whatever I need to learn, please teach me, I want to take care of you anyway I can". Josh said while holding his boy close to him.

Tyler looked up at Josh and his bottom lip was sorta quivering, "Y-you know how you take care of a newborn-8 year old?"  Tyler asked "Yeah, is that where your head escapes too, for comfort?, to do things you probably didn't do in your childhood, create new memories, be taken care of, being spoiled, maybe even because you also enjoy it which is okay baby." Josh said in a caring and loving tone.

All Tyler could do was cry in relief, knowing his boyfriend cared so much about him "Yeah, that's right" He said through tears that Josh wiped away gently "Well how old were you before I came home?" Josh asked, it took Tyler a second to respond "4" Josh gasps "And you let me leave mister? You clearly needed caring for". Tyler was taken aback at this sudden caregiver role, Josh effortlessly went into. 

"I'm sorry daddy, I was just afraid of how you'd take this, I know you'd never hurt me though". Tyler said as he started slipping into little space once again, "Well of course not baby, I'm just glad you finally told me". Josh said with a smile as he pulled Tyler onto his lap.

Josh and Tyler stayed cuddled like this all day, eventually falling asleep.

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