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The last few weeks had been the couple's best, they went out everywhere together now more than they had before. It seemed like Tyler's regression had helped them become way closer, and boy it sure did bother Blurry, the negative voice in Tyler's head. Tyler had been ignoring and pushing Blurry away, and it worked. . . Well, for a while.

"Baby! Come downstairs, breakfast is ready!" Josh yelled from the Kitchen as he plated the food and set the table. Once he finished, he noticed his baby wasn't downstairs yet, it already worried him when Tyler didn't respond. "Hmm let me go check on him" Having said that he made his way upstairs to they're bedroom. Josh found a crying Tyler, He had sat up and hugged his knees to his chest.

Josh: "Ty? What's wrong, baby boy?"

Tyler: "B-Blurry"

Tyler said through tears.

Josh: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Tyler: "B-Because I had ignored him so well... I guess I can't fight him anymore"

This broke Josh, Seeing his boyfriend so sad, he went over to Tyler and pulled him onto his lap, hugging him tightly

Josh: "Oh baby~, you need to tell me things like this no matter what, that's what I'm here for, to keep you safe and love you forever, now how about this, let me help you age down and relax, yeah? Sound good baby?"

Tyler sniffles a bit and nods, he felt dirty and drained from crying all morning

Josh: "Then we'll have a nice breakfast together"

After Josh bathed Tyler and put him in his favorite onesie, for some cute reason, Tyler has been having a bit of a Donut addiction lately. He carried him downstairs to the dining table and sat him down, "Want daddy to feed you baby?, Or do you want to be a big boy?". Josh asked as he sat down beside Tyler, who shook his head and opened his mouth.

Josh's heart melted from his baby's non-verbal response, he smiled and started feeding Tyler as well as eating his food

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Josh's heart melted from his baby's non-verbal response, he smiled and started feeding Tyler as well as eating his food.

They finished breakfast and now Tyler was on the living room floor watching cartoons and sucking on his paci. Josh was on the couch, texting his friend Zayn.

 Josh was on the couch, texting his friend Zayn

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Josh: "Hey man"

Zayn: "What's up?"

Josh: "Nothing much, just spending time with Tyler, you?"

Zayn: "Yeah, same with Harry, do you guys want to come over? It's been forever"

Josh: "It has, I'll ask Tyler"

Josh sat up, "Hey baby?" He said loudly to get his baby's attention. Tyler turned around and looked over at his daddy, he tilted his head in response, having regressed to his youngest age that being of a newborn, he was non-verbal. "Do you want to go to Zayn and Harry's house?" Josh asked with a smile, Tyler's face lit up at the mention of them, and he nodded excitedly. Josh wasted no time texting Zayn letting him know they'll be on they're way soon.

Josh got Tyler changed into Jeans and a T-Shirt

After an hour's drive, they arrived and Josh got up and got Tyler out. They approached the door and Josh knocked hard but softly. "Coming!" Zayn yelled from the other side, It only took a couple of seconds before Zayn opened the door and let them in.

A soft voice could be heard in the living room "Daddy?", Tyler looked in the direction of the voice and saw Harry sitting on the floor with a plate of Dino nuggets and Mac & Cheese, he was dressed in a Panda onesie and butterfly clips in his long hair, "We have guest baby boy, come say hi" Zayn told Harry, who got up from the floor and waddled over to the trio seeing who it was. "Joshie!, TyTy!" Harry yelled in excitement, hugging them.

~Tyler's POV~

I saw how comfortable Harry was with being regressed around other people. Josh and I hadn't known he was an age regressor, I figured there was no reason to try to be big, so I allowed myself to slip into little space as well.

Tyler: "Hewwo's Hawwy, m'missed chu guys"

Harry: "We missed chu guys too!"

Harry and I went off to play after he had finished his lunch.

~Josh's POV~

Zayn looked at me in shock, and I gave him the same look back.

Josh: "Well that was unexpected, cute but unexpected"

Zayn: "I would have never guessed~ well actually I kinda did"

Zayn and I chuckled and made our way to the living room where Tyler and Harry were still playing and making block castles. Tyler turned around and smiled at me,"Daddy wook!" Tyler pointed at his castle, "Very nice baby boy" I praised him then went back to talking to Zayn.

The pair made it back home by midnight and got ready for bed, they ate dinner with Zayn and Harry. Once they're heads hit the pillows, they fell asleep.

Joshler (DDLB "Daddy Will Always Love You")Where stories live. Discover now