Chapter 13: The Next Right Thing

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Anna, Olaf, and (Y/n) wandered through the caves, coming across two tunnels that went in two different directions.

"Hmm. Which lucky tunnel do we choose?" Olaf asked.

As soon as he said that, a blast of light came from the left tunnel. Anna and (Y/n) shield their faces, as two statues started to appear.

"You see the dam will weaken their lands. So they'll have to turn to me."

"King Runeard, the dam, it's hurting the forest."

The statue revealed King Runeard holding his drawn sword about to attack the Northuldra chief who was kneeling away from him, not being a threat at all.

"Elias found it." (Y/n) realized. "The truth about the past."

"What is it?" Olaf asked.

"That's my grandfather...attacking the Northuldra leader...who wields no weapon." Anna sighed heavily. "The dam wasn't a gift of peace. It was a trick."

"But...that goes against everything Arendelle stands for."

(Y/n) nodded. "It does, doesn't it."

Anna sat down on a rock, realizing what had to be done. "I know what needs to be done. I know why we have to do to set things right."

"Why do you say that so sadly?" Olaf asked.

(Y/n) placed a hand on Olaf's head. "We have to break the dam."

"But Arendelle will be flooded." Olaf reminded her.

"That's why everyone was forced out. To protect them from what has to be done." (Y/n) replied sadly.


Olaf sighed, leaning against (Y/n)'s side. "Are you guys okay?"

"We could really use a bright side Olaf." Anna told him.

"Bright side? Okay, um...turtles can breathe through their butts?" He blurted out.

Anna and (Y/n) gave him weird looks. "What?"

"Oh! And I see a way out." Olaf pointed upwards where they could see some light shining through.

"We knew we could count on you, Olaf." Anna said with a smile.

She stood up and took (Y/n)'s hand, both girls walking towards the exit, neither of them noticing Olaf groan and grab his head.

"Come on Olaf. Elias is probably on his way back right now." Anna urged.

"We can..."

The girls paused, when they saw snowflakes falling around them.


They both looked down at Olaf, who noticed the snowflakes flying off his body.

"What's this? I'm flurrying? ...No...wait...that's not it. I'm flurrying...away."

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