
3 0 0

me: I'm in the most genius hiding spot eva!

friend: o really?

me: yeah

other friend: he's hiding in this room I just know it

they started wasting ammo in shooting all the props in the room

me: *deranged laughter* wow you wasted like I don't know 900 bullets just for nothing!!! *lols head off*

I'm a book in one of the shelves

friend: He's not here!!!!!

other friend: stop your magic mind tricks G its not funny

me: I am hiding in that room you are in

Both: No more mind tricks

Jack: what manner of sorcery are you doing now G?!?

me: ooooooooohhhh nooo mooore bullets for any of you

Jack: hey guys does that book there look suspicious?

Me: yes it does look scary.

Jack: not funny where are you!!!

Me: Ok I will play nice...

Jack: you better!

Me: I'm that suspicious bottle in the kitchen which now magically teleported.

Friend: WHERE!?!

Me: up your ass *Insanse laughter*

Jack: you troll!!!

Me: *plays troll song*


10 seconds on the clock

Me: ok I was the amazing book

Both: *Rage*

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